75TH Atlantic Regional Council Resolutions

The Atlantic Regional Executive has established a process for submitting resolutions to the Atlantic Regional Council (ARC). For Bylaw amendments to the Atlantic Regional Constitution, our Bylaw 9.2 defines the time lines.

9.2 The text of a proposed amendment to the Constitution shall be sent to the Regional Office at least eight (8) weeks in advance of the Regional Council Meeting where it is to be introduced. The Regional Executive shall provide the text of the proposed amendments to every delegate together with the agenda at least four (4) weeks prior to the date of the meeting, to enable them to consult Branch members.

For all other all other resolutions the Regional Executive is asking members/Constituent Bodies to submit resolutions to the Regional Office by April 13th (6 weeks prior to the ARC). This will allow the Atlantic Resolutions Committee to review and if required discuss the resolution with the proposer. The resolutions will be posted to the virtual binder by May 4th (3 weeks prior to the ARC)

The Executive does understand that once the ARC draws closer and as delegates arrive at the ARC discussions on possible resolutions will ensue.  Therefore, the Executive will accept resolutions no later than the end of the Saturday morning refreshment break at the ARC.  A resolution must be submitted in writing to either the Chair or the Parliamentarian of the ARC.  The resolution will be reviewed and transcribed for display on the screens for the afternoon session.

Notwithstanding the Saturday deadline, we would ask that members submit resolutions as early as possible to allow for review, transcribing and translation.

Thank you.