75th ARC - Retired Members Guild Report

May 25 - 26, 2018

Mike Seiden

We were saddened to hear of the sudden passing in July of Mike Seiden Ontario REO

and GTA Chapter President. A donation was made to the Cancer Society from the RMG.

New Executive Members

I want to take this opportunity to welcome the newly elected members of the executive:

Michael Forbes - REO for Ontario, Don Burns - REO BC/Yukon, Don Eldershaw – REO Atlantic and welcome back Terry Sing - REO NCR. I wish you all the best.

New Chapter in Newfoundland

The Avalon chapter in NL was formed in June and they held their first AGM in October.

100th Anniversary Committee

We continue to take the lead on the PIPSC 100th Anniversary, which is February 6, 2020.  Lucienne Bahuaud is the Committee Chair.

Benefits Committee

At our September 2016 executive meeting, we passed a resolution to have PIPSC set up a Benefits Committee composed of members from the Guild and the Board. This was an initiative of the Quebec Chapter. The purpose of this Committee would be to monitor any proposed changes by the employer to the Pension Plan and Health Benefits. We do not want to be surprised, as we were two years ago when the last government unilaterally made changes to our health plan with miniscule consultation. This resolution was submitted to the Board of Directors in 2016. To date we have not had any response from the Board.

Observer Status at Advisory Council

We continue to have observer status on the Advisory Council (AC).  We decided that we are better served by having observer status rather than continuing to lobby for a seat on the AC.

Funding Chapter Presidents to Attend the RMG AGM

At last year’s AGM I mentioned that we passed a motion at our September executive 2016 meeting, PIPSC provide funding for each RMG Chapter President or designate to attend the RMG AGM starting with the RMG AGM 2017. This is in keeping with the practice for most other constituent bodies.  We were advised that in order for this to happen we need to change our Bylaws and send it to the Board. Therefore we are bringing a Bylaw change to that effect to this meeting.


For those of you who use Social Media, we have a Facebook Group and now have 90 members.   To access it, go to: http://www.pipsc.ca/groups/rmg.

Phoenix Pay System

We continue to rally in protest of the Phoenix Pay System and have encouraged members to communicate their concerns with the government in Ottawa and to attend events designed to bring light to the inefficiencies of the system.

Bill C-27

We are still campaigning against this bill. This is high priority for PIPSC and the other Federal Government Unions as well as the CLC, Federal Retirees, CURC to name a few. This bill has not been withdrawn.  Although it has only received 1st reading it is still on the order paper.  As Bill-27 is now written, it does not affect the core Public Service. We must keep up the pressure to have the Bill withdrawn.