The Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada

Present:  Stan Buday, Pierre Touchette, Stacy McLaren, Deb Butler, Dean Corda, Guy Abel, Robert Tellier, Rob Scott, Lucille Shears, Eva Henshaw, Yvonne Snaddon, Tony Goddard, Karim Chaggani

Agenda Item



Stan welcomed the executive to Winnipeg and spoke about the timetable for the next two days.  He spoke about lunchtime information sessions that were planned for Winnipeg as well as the discussion of Professionals Canada with Eddie Gillis and Rob MacDonald for June 7.

Adoption of the Agenda

Moved by Stacy Second by Robert  Carried as amended


Bargaining update

Strategic Planning

PIPSC AGM Resolution

Finance Committee


Approval of Minutes of Last meeting

Moved by Stacy Second by: Rob    Carried


Business Arising

Cake for 50th anniversary for AGM - Complete

Meeting of 50th anniversary committee 

            -table action plan to strategic planning meeting

            -Eva to coordinate the anniversary backpack draw activities.

            -Promote the use of Tony’s 50th anniversary logo.

Stan to provide information re Full time president for two weeks before Strategic Planning meeting

Lisa Chau to be contacted re her resolution - Complete

Stan to write business case for sending people to DPI Professional Development week

Tony to summarize StatsCan meeting notes re PSE Survey and send to Debi Daviau

Plans for information sessions in Winnipeg

Welcome pamphlet for new CS members (Robert/Denise) –

Sample pamphlet from Hugo Landry – action item Stacy to contact Hugo Landry.

New Business



  1.  Networking:

We are sharing the Networking room with the AFS Group.  Saturday   night will be the joint hospitality room. We will be having a joint mobilization activity on the Saturday with the AFS as well.  Funds for hospitality were budgeted for.

  1.  Canada History Magazine:

This is the history magazine for Canadians and a proposal for purchasing for our delegates. 

Motion:  To purchase the Canada History Magazine for the delegates at a cost of up to $500.00  Carried

  1. Member Engagement

Film Voxpop videos of delegates and a photo op with members.  A concern of doing the videos and not posting as well as timing of the filming of the videos.

  1. Election Review

 This was not done completely on process and that the executive needs to take ownership of this not getting done.  The executive also decided that this year coming will not have any elections so would be more optimal for reviewing the elections.

  1. Draft Agenda

The draft agenda for the CS AGM was reviewed.   The agenda was altered to allow for Kevin Rebeck to speak in the morning.

IT Reclassification Youtube Video

This was brought forward by a member who appreciates the bargaining updates on Youtube and suggests that there be a video explaining the new IT Classification. 

Pierre mentioned that this is going to be an exercise that will be under the employer rather than bargaining.  It was mentioned as well that need to get a script translated and we should go ahead and do the video. 

Action Item on video and a letter to members as well:  Eva to do English, Pierre to do the French 19th of June.

Google Calendar

Teleconferences for meetings or use the Calendar.  There needs to be consistency for using the Calendar.

Action Item:  Rob/Stacy to look into the CS Group Executive getting a calendar for the group email.

Generics/Classification Letter to PIPSC

Nothing has come from PIPSC to our members about the new classification and a suggestion that a letter be prepared.  As of the meeting, this has already been initiated.

Bargaining Team/Executive Action Plan

There is going to be working on a plan for mobilizing members for the time when the bargaining team is in mediation.  Suggestion of a blitz of the NCR to do a leafletting activity as well as lunch and learns.

There is a feeling that we need to do a larger presence of support for the Bargaining Team.  The suggestion is mini rallies (solidarity walks).

Support from some subgroups is very little.

A suggestion of putting a full page add in the Toronto Blue Jays yearbook. 

The offer is $6000 for the ad.  A question of putting a politicized message in our ad will

Action Item:  Executive members on Bargaining Team to provide dates for the NOC ROC to plan information sessions.

CS Group Name

With the letter about classification, it indicated that the name of the Group would be changing from CS to IT.  A round table was done on what method would we be using to deal with this change.  The majority indicated Survey of the members be done.  We definitely have to provide the differences as well as letting them know the history behind the CS Name.

Suggestion that it be workshopped at the Sub Group Presidents’ meeting.

Strategic Planning

Dates in August (22-24) and suggestion that we do a conference call about the way forward for the strategic planning meeting.  That way everyone can provide input to the agenda of the planning meeting.  There was a motion that the steering committee set the agenda with input from the executive.

Discussion of also having two days of strategic planning.

Discussion of venue also took place.

Resolution to CS AGM

Eva brought forth a discussion topic of a resolution to be brought to the CS AGM to go to PIPSC AGM that if interest charges are incurred for claims that are late to be reimbursed to the members.

Finance Committee

Deb wasn’t chosen to be friend of the committee and then was added to the committee as a friend.  There has been some changes that have her removed.

Youtube channel for NOC ROC use.

Discussed that the NOC ROC be able to use the CS Youtube channel

Additional Day for PIPSC AGM

Motion: Moved by Robert, Second by Stacy

Moved that an additional day be asked for the CS Group to come in early to start Tuesday at noon of the PIPSC AGM week

Election Report

Guy provided the executive with the election results and report.

Executive Reports



Stan provided a president’s report that listed his activities from Apr 2 to June 6 2019.

He listed attendance at Subgroup AGMs, sitting on the Professionals Canada taskforce committee, participating in Bargaining, the SBC as well as attending the Advisory Council

Vice President



Financial Statements and budget information provided by Deb

Secretary/Steering Committee



Motion to go into closed Session M/Robert S/Stacy

Denise called in (10:30)

Discussion on what had happened in the negotiations, the next steps and what we want to tell members in information sessions. 





Subgroup Officer


Membership Officer

Prepared for the CS AGM

Labour Relations/Consultation




Contacting Out Officer


Other Business/Round Table

An offer for a full-page ad in the Toronto Blue Jays yearbook was put forward. 

Moved by Yvonne second by Stan

Motion:  That the CS executive purchase a full page ad in the Toronto Blue Jays yearbook at a cost of $6000.


Eva reported that Contracting out grievances are going to be taken out of abeyance and there is going to be lots of hearings coming up as the hearings need to be heard within twenty days once out of abeyance.


Eva moves and Yvonne seconds that Dean Corda continues as Labour relations officer until the Strategic Planning Meeting in October.  Carried


The issue of the shipment of the administrative and promotional items not arriving in time for the AGM was raised to the executive

Next Meeting

August 24, 2019