Eastern Quebec Branch

(Translated from French)



2025 Annual General Meeting

Wednesday, April 16, 2025, at 6:00 p.m.

At the Club St-Louis restaurant, 97 rue St-Louis, Rimouski, QC G5L 5P6


Notice of Meeting:

Please note that the Annual General Meeting of the Eastern Quebec Branch will be held on April 16, 2025, at 6:00 p.m. at the Club St-Louis restaurant in Rimouski. Prior to the AGM, members will be greeted at 5:00 p.m. and a dinner will be served. The agenda is as follows:


  1. Opening remarks
  2. Introduction of Guests and Executives
  3. Review and approval of the Agenda
  4. Review and approval of the minutes from the April 25, 2024, AGM
  5. President’s Activity Report
  6. Financial Report
  7. Elections
  8. Questions and answers
  9. Closing Remarks

Notice of elections. Positions to be filled on the Executive Committee:

All Executive Committee positions are to be filled at the AGM as this is an election year. These positions are currently filled as follows:

Chair:               Jean-Luc Shaw (DFO)

Vice-President: Noémie Gendreau (CRA)

Secretary:        Mélanie Lévesque (ARC)

Treasurer:        Tom Birmingham (DFO)

Directors (5):    Peter Galbraith (DFO),

                        Joël Chassé (DFO),

                        Chris McKindsey (DFO),

                        Martine Lizotte (DFO), and

France Boily (CFIA).

Nominations will also be accepted from the floor at the AGM. If you are unable to be there that evening but would like to get involved at the Executive level, please send your name and the position you are applying for to Jean-Luc Shaw (jlshaw@pipsc.ca).

The term of office is 3 years as per our bylaws. The Branch Executive shall meet as frequently as is required, but at least three (3) times per year and at most (6) times a year. The Branch’s goals are to represent the interests of the Branch; to provide a forum for discussion by the membership on matters related to the Institute; to implement the By-Laws; to make recommendations to the Regional Council and the Institute on various matters within the objectives of the Institute; and to appoint delegates to meetings of the Regional Council and the Institute in accordance with the By-Laws of those constituent bodies. The role of the Executive Committee is to exercise authority and act on behalf of the Branch between general meetings.


Thank you and I look forward to meeting you.


Jean-Luc Shaw

President, Eastern Quebec Branch

Important: You must confirm you presence to Jean-Luc Shaw by email at jlshaw@pipsc.ca. Seating is limited and priority will be given to guests who have confirmed their participation prior to the event.