The PIPSC National Elections Committee is tasked with this election. We are seeking nominations for election of the BCFNHA Group President (1-year term).
The President will:
- further the professional interests of the members
- protect the status and standards of our profession
- represent the views of the members on matters affecting them
- ensure that the interests of the Group are represented in all proceedings of the employer and of the Institute
- chair group executive meetings and group AGM
This is a voluntary role with an approximate monthly commitment of 8 hours. The executive meets approximately 6 times per year.
For more information about the role and duties, please refer to 6.1 and 6.8.1 of our BCFNHA Group bylaws.
Nominations are due before 4:00 PM PST on Friday, February 21, 2025.
Here is a summary of the nomination process:
- Nominations must be supported by at least two (2) group members
- The Elections Committee will review the nominations to make sure nominees are eligible
- If necessary, the Elections Committee will hold a vote
Members are encouraged to participate in this union leadership opportunity. Please disconnect from FNHA VPN and use a personal device to ensure the form loads.
Please note that PIPSC Stewards have a different role and are not subject to this election.
If you have any questions about the nomination, please contact Marie Ammais at