The Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada

L’Institut professionnel de la function publique du Canada

Greater Toronto Area (GTA) Chapter of the Retired Members Guild

Minutes of the 10th Annual General Meeting

September 18, 2024 – Mandarin Restaurant, Toronto


Present: Executive

President: Aron Wolfson

Treasurer: Lester Brown

Secretary: Soon Yee

Member-at-Large: Fred Conway


Present: 34 members


The meeting commenced at 12:00 noon.


Opening of the Meeting 


Aron Wolfson welcomed everyone and introduced the RMG GTA Chapter Executive.  He also introduced Sylvia Boucher, President of the Retired Members Guild and Stan Buday, President of the GTA Branch of PIPSC.


Aron provided the reason for our change in venue from the Pickle Barrel to the Mandarin Restaurant.   It is well known that Pickle Barrel locations have been closing over the years and it is that possibility of closure that prompted us to consider another restaurant.



Al Worth moved that the Agenda be adopted.  Andrea Agh seconded the motion.  Carried.




The Key Note Speaker was Sylvia Boucher, President of the Retired Members Guild.  She is also President of the National Capital Region Chapter of the Retired Members Guild.


She retired in 2019 from the Department of Natural Resources Canada and is part of the Commerce and Purchasing Group.


As a steward and now an executive, she fought for issues such as overtime pay and Phoenix problems among others.  She fought for and continues to fight for voting rights for RMG members and for the rights of RMG members to occupy positions previously not available to retirees.  She exhibited perseverance and resolve in her pursuit of change and did not hesitate to “go up the ladder” if there was intransigence.  


Her vision is that the RMG is more than a social club.  She will be proactive and will follow the formula of “growth, retention and engagement”.  She intends to speak at other AGM’s to sell the services and merits of the RMG and to make the RMG more visible.


Sylvia mentioned that the National PIPSC AGM will be held in downtown Toronto at the Sheraton Hotel on November 8th and 9th.  The National RMG AGM will be held on Nov 7th also at the Sheraton.  For those interested in attending, an email invitation is forthcoming.  A noteworthy issue that will be on the table at the aforementioned AGM’s is a proposed dues increase.  If passed, RMG annual dues are expected to increase from $69 to $85.


Both the 2025 National PIPSC and National RMG AGM’s will also be held in Toronto (the 2023 and 2024 AGM’s were held in Montreal). The year 2025 also happens to be the 25th anniversary of the RMG, so celebratory activities can be expected next year at its AGM in Toronto.  Please submit celebratory ideas to Brian Barrett, our Ontario Representative.  The National RMG is also looking for volunteers to assist with the celebratory activities. 


Sylvia stated that October 1 is International Older Persons Day.  Announcements are forthcoming.  Lester Brown, added that on October 1st,a march, with a climate action theme, will take place in downtown Toronto.  Dr. David Suzuki will be there.  (Post meeting, a poster regarding the said march was emailed to all the attendees of this meeting). 


Sylvia indicated that RMG members have been receiving communications from some sources, but not all sources.  Apparently, for RMG members to receive PIPSC communications, the author must consciously tick a check box “include retired members”.  Sylvia will advocate for retired members to receive all communications with a modification to the tick box wording i.e. “exclude retired members”.


She informed us that per the RMG’s March newsletter, members who renew their membership before the December 2024 deadline will be eligible for a draw prize.


Sylvia pointed out a Public Service Health Care Plan caveat i.e. hearing test expenses of an audiologist are reimbursable but not hearing test expenses of a hearing specialist.  Aron Wolfson added that eye examination expenses are reimbursable once every 2 calendar years now.  


Sylvia also pointed out a Dental Plan caveat i.e. the cost of teeth cleaning by a dental hygienist is reimbursable but the higher cost of teeth cleaning by a dentist are not reimbursable.


Aron Wolfson


Retirees Dental Plan

Aron led a discussion regarding the GTA Chapter’s plan of action to have chapter members email a letter to Members of Parliament recommending that the Public Service Dental Care Plan (PSDCP) (for our working members) and the Pensioners Dental Services Plan (PDSP) (for retired members) be combined and operated as a single plan much in the same way that the Public Service Health Care Plan (PSHCP) operates as one plan for both working and retired members.  Aron pointed out that the dental plan limit for the working members dental plan will be increased to $3200, whereas the senior dental plan limit remains stuck at $1500.


A show of hands indicated that approximately 8 of 33 (nearly 25%) of the attendees emailed the letter to their MP’s, a number which was somewhat lower than expectations.


A few members (who had emailed the letter to their MP’s) expressed disappointment that there was no action from the MP’s apart from an acknowledgement of receipt.  Aron suggested following up with the MP’s.


This issue will be discussed further.



Aron asked the members if the location of the venue (Dufferin and Finch) is an issue.  Only 2 of 34 attendees found it inconvenient to attend this location.  Only 1 member expressed a preference for the food at the Pickle Barrel.


Approval of Minutes of the Last AGM, November 29, 2023

Secretary, Soon Yee had previously emailed copies of the subject minutes to all attendees before the meeting.  Fred Conway moved that we accept the minutes, seconded by Sheldon Weiser.  Carried.


Treasurer’s Report

Treasurer, Les Brown discussed the 2023 Financial Statements and 2024 Budget, copies of which were emailed to all attendees before the meeting.  Sheldon Weiser moved that the 2024 budget be accepted, seconded by Al Worth.  Carried.



Fred Conway, Member-at-Large, conducted the election as Chair of the Election Committee.  


Position of President of the GTA Chapter

There were no further nominations and Aron Wolfson was thereby re-elected President by acclamation.


Position of Treasurer of the GTA Chapter

There were no further nominations and Lester Brown was thereby re-elected Treasurer by acclamation.


Position of Secretary of the GTA Chapter

There were no further nominations and Soon Yee was thereby re-elected Secretary by acclamation.


Vacant Position of Vice-President and Member-at-Large of the GTA Chapter


Aron Wolfson asked for volunteers for the GTA Chapter’s vacant positions of Vice President and Member-at-Large.  These two positions will be acting positions until formal elections for these 2 positions are held in 2025.  Andrea Agh accepted the position as interim Vice–President and Usha Vashistha accepted the position of interim Member-at-Large.


New Business

A member requested a discussion of Service Plus and other RMG benefits at the next AGM.


Door Prize Draw

Lester Brown conducted the draw for door prizes.  Thank you to Sylvia Boucher for providing prizes.



The meeting ended at approximately 3:00 p.m.