Halifax SH Sub-Group
Annual General Meeting (AGM) Minutes
March 27, 2024, 600pm
Lion’s Head, Halifax, NS

  1. Meeting was called to order at 607pm by Selena Glover.
  2. Welcome and Introductions: Selena welcomed the participants to the meeting. There were a total of 21 members in attendance.
  3. Approval of Agenda. Moved by Vicki MacKenzie and seconded by Cheryl Chisholm. Carried.
  4. Adoption of the minutes of 2023 AGM. Everyone reviewed the minutes of the previous AGM. There were no questions, so Jenn Cantwell motioned to accept, and Ashlee McLeod seconded. Carried.
  5. Business arising from the minutes: Nothing identified.
  6. Report of the President: SH Subgroup has approximately 151 members and continues to grow. New executive in the last year has engaged members with activities such as axe throwing, Sunday supper volunteering. Arrangements were made to participate in the Pride parade, which ended up being cancelled. There are 11 stewards in our subgroup, an overview of the steward’s role was given. This year we have also decided to add an additional two Member at Large positions onto the subgroup.
  7. Annual Financial Report: An overview of the Financial Report was provided by the Treasurer, Jennifer Lake, including expenditures and current balance. Alicia Graham motioned to accept, and Terri Perrier seconded. Carried.
  8. Update from Elections Committee/Election of Officers: Elections process was overseen by James McGrath. A call for nominations for President, Secretary and Members at Large took place. 
    President: Position awarded to Ashlee McLeod by acclamation.
    Secretary: Position awarded to Selena Glover by acclamation.
    Members at Large (one outgoing, two new): Positions awarded by acclamation to Alicia Graham, Darlene DesBarres and Tyler Hatfield.

A call for nominations for Vice President took place due to Ashlee accepting the president’s position. Position awarded to Vicki MacKenzie by acclamation.

  1. Voting in SH Group Elections: The national executive is only as successful as the members who vote. Everyone is encouraged to read the positions and vote during the upcoming SG Group election.
  2. Bargaining Update: Overview of current status provided. Delays occurred due to two Treasury Board negotiators leaving and new ones being appointed. Progress made since September 2023; non-monetary discussions have concluded.
  3. Round table: Nothing added.

Meeting Adjourned at 757 pm.