February 3, 2024 - 9 am to 5 pm ET

Michèle Demers Conference Centre, PIPSC

Present: Stan Buday, Pierre Touchette, Stéphane Aubry, Rob Scott, Gord Bulmer, Denis Caissy, Jordan Loverock, Karim Chaggani, Yvonne Snaddon, Tamara Critch, Deb Butler, Robert Seguin, Lucille Shears

Regrets: Patricia Williamson

Agenda/Ordre du jour

1)  Welcome / Bienvenue

2)  Adoption of Agenda / Adoption de l'ordre du jour

       Moved by: Jordan Loverock         Seconded by: Karim Chaggani


3)  Approval of Minutes of Last meeting / Approbation du procès-verbal de la dernière réunion

08 December 2023 / 08 décembre 2023

Moved by: Jordan Loverock        Seconded by: Yvonne Snaddon


4)  Business Arising from the minutes/Action Items Affaires découlant du procès-verbal/Points d’action

i)   ACTION: Jordan to speak with Tony Goddard about Secretary role

ii)  ACTION: Tamara and Stan to reach out to Tony Goddard about social media account access

iii) ACTION: Pierre and Deb to make inventory of all promotional items currently on hand

iv) ACTION: Yvonne to invite Craig Bradley to next IT Executive meeting to discuss SSC’s new Cloud responsibilities

v)  ACTION: Yvonne to have SSC’s new Cloud responsibilities added to next WGC agenda

5)  Standing Items / Points permanents

a)  Bargaining Update / Mise à jour sur les négociations (Rob & JP)

i)  ACTION: IT Exec and IT Bargaining team will convene on April 4 for a post-mortem meeting of the last round of bargaining

ii) ACTION: Robert will ask JP to attend the post-mortem

b)  Strategic Planning Update & Review / Mise à jour et examen de la planification stratégique (Stan)

c)  Visibility / visibilité (Pierre)

i)  ACTION: IT Exec to respond to Pierre about Exec jackets

d)  Return to Office / Retour au bureau (All)

i)  ACTION: Stan will reach out to Lauren Hunter to discuss expanding the exception list

e)  Training Fund (Robert)

Motion: Strike a subcommittee on how to use the new IT training fund comprised of 5 members from the IT executive and bargaining committee to be selected by the IT group president and bargaining officer         

                Amendment: Preference be given to members of the Executive over members of the Bargaining team

                Moved by: Lucille Shears              Seconded by: Gord Bulmer


Moved by: Rob Scott                                      Seconded by: Gord Bulmer


i)  ACTION: Stan and Rob to make a callout letter                                                            

6)  New Business / Nouvelles affaires

a. Subgroup President’s Meeting (Lucille)

b. SSC’s New Cloud Responsibilities (?)

c. National Steward Officer Presentation - 10:30am (Judith Leblanc)

d. Composition of Bargaining Team

e. DPI (Karim)

f. IT AGM (Stan)

g. Communications (Tamara)

h. ITYPC New Members (Jordan)

Motion: Add Alexander Pastoukhovitch, Gavin Davies, and Dean Condrashoff to the IT Young Professionals Committee

Moved by: Jordan Loverock                        Seconded by: Gord Bulmer


7)  Reports/Activities dexecutive

 (Please file in the Executive Reports sub-directory / A déposer dans le sous-répertoire des rapports exécutifs )

a) President /Président (Stan)

b) Vice-President/Vice-président (Pierre)

c) Treasurer/Trésorier (Deb)

d) Steering Committee & Secretary/Comité directeur et Secrétaire (Jordan)

e) Bargaining / Négociations (Rob/JP)

f) NOC/ROC- Mobilization / CNO/ROC- Mobilisation (Gordon)                          

g) Communications (Tamara)

h) Subgroup Officer/Agent de sous groupe  (Lucille)

i) Steward Officer / Agent de délégués syndicaux (Tamara)

j) Membership Officer / Agente de membership (Patricia)

k) Labour Relation & Consultation Officer & Contracting Out Officer / Agente des relations de travail et de consultation et Agente chargée de la sous-traitance  (Yvonne)

l) ITYPC (Jordan/Karim)

8)  Other business & Roundtable / Autres affaires et table ronde

9)  Next meeting / Prochaine réunion: April 5

10) Adjournment / Ajournement

Motion: To adjourn

Moved by: Stan Buday                   Seconded by: Jordan Loverock