The Toronto IT Sub-Group Newsletter - Summer 2024 Edition

This newsletter is an initiative to:  reach out to members of the Toronto IT Sub-Group, introduce ourselves, share published info that members may not already be aware of and build our community.  We are all IT union members of PIPSC, let’s work together to show our pride and achieve our mutual goals!  We invite you to attend events, help out, volunteer, run for an executive position and/or write to any of us and share your ideas about how we can do better. We invite you to join the discussions and provide feedback on our TorontoITSubgroup Facebook group or reach us through email at

In Solidarity,

Your Toronto IT Executive 

Fourth Row: Bill Sukloff, Karla Yelland 

Third Row: Roy V. Philip (President), Nuşin Brown (Secretary), Judy Chow (Vice-President)

Second Row: Faron Moses, David Darling, Mathieu Leblond 

First Row: Kaja Thalayasingam, Andrea Agh (Treasurer), Yvonne Snaddon 

News & Updates

1. Your New Collective Agreement

Your new IT Collective Agreement is now available on the Treasury Board website. 

Changes from the previous Collective Agreement are denoted by asterisks (**) 

2. IT Toronto Bowling Night

The Toronto Executive held a Bowling Night at Playtime Bowl in North York on May 9th. Those who attended got to enjoy Bowling and Pizza while getting to know other IT members in the subgroup.

We look forward to seeing you at the next planned event!

Kindly remember to RSVP by the date provided in the Event invitation to allow us to plan for your attendance.  Also, if you RSVP, and later find out you cannot attend an event, let us know so our union dues aren’t spent on empty seats.

This will go a long way in helping us properly manage our union dues. Thank You.

3. Updating your Contact Info and Searching for your Membership Number 

To change your email, home and work address please visit the PIPSC Website  By doing this it ensures we can reach you and that your union dues are directed to providing you assistance.  Share this with your colleagues.

Find Your Membership Number


Each PIPSC member belongs to a Branch and subgroup (where available). All IT workers in the GTA belong to the Toronto IT Subgroup. There are two branches in the GTA: Greater Toronto Branch and Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) Branch. If you work at ECCC you’re a member of the ECCC Branch, otherwise you’re a member of the GTA Branch. When you see messages about Branch events feel free to participate!

Upcoming Events: 

Watch for the official email invitation and Facebook notifications for:

Toronto IT Subgroup Annual General Meeting (AGM) - September 17, 2024 starting at 5PM with a Meet and Greet and followed by Buffet dinner and Meeting Welcome at 6 PM.

LOCATION: The Mandarin Restaurant Located at 2200 Yonge St, Toronto, ON (Yonge St and Eglinton Ave W)