The Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada

Your bargaining team is pleased to announce the details of our tentative agreement with FNHA. We believe we have reached the best deal possible and are proud to recommend it to members. 

Highlights of this tentative agreement include:

  • General Economic Increases applicable to all employees, applied retroactively to the first day of the contract
    • 2023 - 5%
    • 2024 - 4%
    • 2025 - 3%
  • Changes to the vacation accumulation schedule.
    • After 4 years, employees will receive 22 days of vacation
    • After 6 years, employees will receive 23 days of vacation
    • After 8 years, employees will receive 24 days of vacation
    • After 12 years, employees will receive 26 days of vacation
    • After 14 years, employees will receive 27 days of vacation
    • After 16 years, employees will receive 29 days of vacation
    • After 18 years, employees will receive 30 days of vacation
  • The health care spending account is renewed and is increased to $1100 annually
  • Further changes are outlined in the Summary of the BCFNHA / FNHA Tentative Agreement.  We also provide the text of the tentative agreement below.  

This agreement must now be ratified by BCFNHA Group Membership.  An electronic vote will be held in order to ratify this agreement.  All regular members in good standing will receive the voting instructions by email. 

The voting will be open from Monday, August 5th, 2024 at 8:00 a.m. pst to Monday, August 19th, 2024 at 5:00 p.m. pst. You will receive voting instructions via email. 

You will find the following information concerning the tentative agreement below.  It is important that you take the time to review everything prior to voting and prior to asking questions of your bargaining team. 

Please review the attached documents

A YES vote means:  You are accepting all the changes proposed in the tentative agreement. Those changes will take place at the date of signing (except as otherwise noted) and the employer will have a period to implement them. 

A NO vote means:  You reject the tentative agreement. The implications of rejection are that you are ready to mobilize and fight for a better collective agreement up to and including a strike. The next will be conciliation at the BC Labour Relations Board.

The BCFNHA Bargaining Team believes we accomplished the best deal possible.