September 18, 2023, 2023

Scott McConaghy, Atl Region and Acting Chair
Manny Costain, Atl Director and Board Liaison
Michael Kenny, NCR
Mandy Chan, Ontario Region
Mike Chow, BC/Yukon Region
Christine Freeman, Prairies/NWT Region
Ann Gregory, Staff Resource
Regrets: Luc Denis, Quebec Region

The Chair introduced Ann Gregory to the BLPC members. Michael Kenny did a land
1. Approval of the BLPC – Agenda

Moved and seconded (Kenny/Chow) to approve the agenda as presented.
Carried by consensus

2. Approval of the BLPC – Draft Minutes for July 14, 2023

Moved and seconded (Kenny/Freeman) to approve the July 14, 2023
minutes as presented.

Carried by consensus
Action: Ann Gregory to send the list of approved items after each Board meeting.
3. Matters arising from the July 14 th Meeting
a) SP Scarborough Midland-Queen Sub-Group – EC Resolution – Approved at May
Board Meeting
a. Mandy Chan confirmed that the name has been changed from SP Midland-
Queen to SP Scarborough-Queen. The website was updated except for the
link to the Executive, which has been requested from IT.

b) NR St-Hubert – Montérégie
a. Luc Denis to update at the October meeting.
c) BC/Yukon Bylaw changes
a. Mike Chow sent the excerpts with changes, as well as the entire By-Laws
including changes. BC Region has approved the changes and it was sent to
Nathalie for Board approval and translation.

Action: Ann Gregory to include BC/Yukon By-Law changes on the September Board
meeting agenda, and send for translation (but to remove the preamble)

d) IT Ottawa Metro Sub-Group Bylaw Modification
a. Michael Kenny reported that they were sent the corrections, but he hasn’t
heard back. He corrected as per the model By-Law.

e) Lethbridge Branch Constitution and Bylaws

a. Christine noted that she sent it to Nathalie during the last BLCP
meeting, but it didn’t go to the Board.

Action: Ann Gregory to include on the September Board meeting agenda
f) Model Constitutions
a. Scott indicated that it is “audit” versus “review” in the French and it was
corrected in the French wording. The French word was correct.

g) NEB Group By-Laws
a. Scott spoke with the National Energy Board Group (NEB) and it was
scheduled to go to their AGM in September. The major issue is quorum, and
they didn’t want to do 50% plus 1 for attendance. They preferred 10% of the
entire membership. They feel that they can achieve 10%. This is pending.

h) CP Group By-Laws
a. Scott spoke to Lyne Larocque (QC), changed regulations to policies, changed
6.2 Composition, and their By-Laws were passed at their AGM this summer.
French is the source language for this By-Law.
Action: Ann to include on the September Board meeting agenda
i) House of Commons Group By-Laws Amended – COMPLETED (see 5f)
a. Michael worked with them to complete them, but it will need to be ratified.
Now combined with 5f due to duplication.
j) Ontario Region Constitution and By-Laws
a. Mandy indicated that the Ontario Region Constitution and By-Laws passed at
Ontario Region Council. Two new paragraphs were added (5.5) that if they
couldn’t use a seat at Ontario Regional Council then the executive can assign
another PIPSC member to attend. The other one was that if there is a
delegate from another branch who couldn’t attend, then the space would be
given to the next person.

Action: Ann to include on the September Board meeting agenda
k) CRPEG Group
a. Michael provided a document, and it was slightly modified by the BLPC.
Waiting for ratification.

4. New Business Arising from the July 14 th Meeting.
a) Policy on Balancing Union Activity and Family Life
A long discussion was held to try and determine what the Board wanted revised in
the policy. It was explained that the local area definition of 16 km was causing
disparity and confusion in the NCR.
Questions were raised around how often each situation can be claimed, as described
in Section 2 and Section 3 of the policy. BLPC’s interpretation is that it can be
claimed more than once. Director Purdie’s interpretation is that it can only be claimed

Section 2 Compensation for Meetings on Days of Rest – For Every 2 Days in a
Given Calendar Year is for local meetings. He indicated that it is open to
interpretation as to whether it can be claimed multiple times.
Under Section 3 Compensation for Meetings on Days of Rest – 2 Consecutive
Days the member is eligible for one day of leave for giving up two days of rest for
Action: Scott will draft revised wording for the October BLPC meeting. Finance will
need to provide the financial impact of the revised wording or interpretation of the policy.
b) Policy on Committees of the Board – APPROVED BY BOARD
c) Policy on Conflict – Appendix A – APPROVED BY BOARD
d) Policy on Conflict – Appendix B – APPROVED BY BOARD
e) Policy on Conflict – Appendix C – APPROVED BY BOARD
f) Policy on Election of Officers and Directors of the Institute – APPROVED BY BOARD
g) **removed**
h) Policy on the Board of Directors – APPROVED BY BOARD
i) Policy on Accessing PIPSC General Funds – APPROVED BY BOARD
Director Costain noted that this one has been dealt with. The change from COO to
Executive Director (because it was finance-related) was made. There was a defeated
motion at the Board meeting to increase the number of Branch President’s meetings
and it was referred to the next Regional President’s meeting for discussion.
j) Policy on Conduct
Director Costain noted that the intent is to incorporate the equity statement into the
Policy on Conduct. This should not be brought back to the BLPC. The Board’s
motion is below:
Moved and seconded (Roach/McLaren), to have legal review the Policy on
Conduct to ensure that it is achieving the Advisory Council’s intent with
respect to EDI, and to table the policy for further discussion in an online
meeting with the Chair of BLPC, ES, Legal and the AC Director and Chair.
Action: Ann to add this meeting requirement to the ES “to-do list” for his action.
k) Policy on Constituent Body Allocations – APPROVED BY BOARD
The policy was approved for the minor changes such as changing COO to Executive
Secretary, however the part about the restrictions on sporting events was referred

back to the BLPC. President Carr indicated that the change in the policy was passed,
but without the $50 amount for sports and entertainment. In the past groups
purchased seasons tickets and the same people would use the tickets. She indicated
that there should be rules around it, and there should be an associated event and
have a PIPSC update, not just hand them a ticket.
She indicated that she found out that some people are purchasing gift cards so that
they have them for a future event. There is no control of how the gift cards are used
and no tracking.
With the current BLPC recommendation of $50 x 5 events per year = $250 per
member from the July meeting. One of the concerns was that the same people are
benefiting all the time. Ideally it would be best to have a gathering place like a tent,
so that there is a PIPSC/networking component. It needs to be clarified whether you
can use the $50 towards a $75 ticket. Ideally community hockey or baseball is a
more ideal environment and are much less expensive. There should also be
accountability to ensure that tickets aren’t wasted. There was also concern about the
members stacking other areas together, such as training or networking. There should
also be some preference for new members. There was discussion that at some
events spouses or dependents are allowed, such as at a movie night. In some small
communities, the tickets can be general admission to any sporting events, and there
is no specified date. It was noted that tracking in a large area such as NCR or
Toronto GTA and there is a high percentage of no shows.
It was noted that policies are approved by the Board but can be reversed by the
members at the AGM. A summary of policy changes is usually provided to the
members at the AGM.
President Carr noted that the only way to find out who is violating the policy is to do
an audit. The Finance Committee is working on an audit schedule, but it isn’t in place
Action: Michael and Christine to draft some restrictions on the policy for the October
l) Policy on Institute Awards – APPROVED BY BOARD MAY 2023
Director Costain indicated that the policy was approved by the Board in May 2023.
m) Policy on Loans to Members – APPROVED BY BOARD
n) Policy on Negotiations and Labour Disputes – APPROVED BY BOARD
o) Policy on Privacy – APPROVED BY BOARD
p) Policy on Representational Services – APPROVED BY BOARD
q) Policy on Relocation of Full Time Elected Officers – APPROVED BY BOARD (AGM

r) Policy on the President and Vice-Presidents (to be split) – APPROVED BY BOARD
(AGM Resolutions)
1) President
2) Vice-President
s) Policy on Constituent Body Finances (Motion from the Board) – duplicate with k
Director Costain noted that the Policy on Constituent Body Finances no longer exists
and falls under the Policy on Constituent Body Allocations.
t) Atlantic By-Laws - Amendments – APPROVED BY BOARD
u) RE Group Bylaws - Amendments – APPROVED BY BOARD
v) Lake Melville Branch – Amendments – APPROVED BY BOARD
w) CP Labrador Sub-Group Bylaws – New Model – APPROVED BY BOARD
x) IT St. John’s Branch – New Model – APPROVED BY BOARD
y) IT St. John’s Sub-Group – New Model – APPROVED BY BOARD
z) AFS Windsor Sub-Group – Amendment – APPROVED BY BOARD
aa) SH Group – Amendment
Scott noted that the change to By-Laws – definition of a Northern Nurse. Northern
Nurses going to places where they are extremely isolated. There is a group in
Manitoba that are isolated, but not as isolated as the “Northern Nurses.” Joanne
Bouchard was President of the group and was a Manitoba nurse, and she got
involved. She felt that the Manitoba nurses would be excluded from running
Scott met with Selina (Atlantic), Lynn (the President of the Group) about what took
place. Joanne Bouchard requested a legal opinion, and they referred it back to the
There are five different categories of nurses, and no one can run for more than two
categories: Nurse Practitioner, NU-EMA (medical adjudicator), SSC, Northern Nurse,
and one nurse from any other department. Northern Nurses can’t run under “other”,
but Manitoba Nurses can run under “other”, see 6.2.3. At the next AGM in 2025, the
new language (in bold) can be amended will take place to clarify the policy.
They had an election for the Northern Nurse position, and they let the Manitoba
nurse run (and they shouldn’t have qualified to run), but they were unsuccessful. The
Manitoba Northern Nurses are included in “other” not under Northern Nurses.

Action: BLPC to work with the Northern Nurses to ensure that they list all those under
other, rather than put in etc. It was suggested to remove etc, and to put “other Departments
including IFC, but excluding Northern Nurses.” 4aa1 should be sent to the Board.
5. New Business
A change of term of office from two to three years was accepted by the Board. There
are no staggered elections. Retired members can’t run for election, but retired
members can be appointed to a position if there is a vacancy.
b) Toronto North CRA Branch
This was approved by the BLPC in Dec 2016.
Action: change “auditing” to “reviewing” and change “regulations” to “policies” the first
time and then send to the Board. Regulations stays the same for the 2 nd reference
because constituent bodies and regions are allowed to have regulations. PIPSC no
longer has regulations. 6.8.3 also needs to change to “By-Laws, Policies and
After approval by the Board, ask Toronto North CRA Branch to compare the new
model By-Laws with their current version for any other changes.
c) Geographical Area
Michael noted that in Membership Services they have a definition, but it came for the
Ottawa Centreville Branch By-Laws to define branch boundaries within a region.
PIPSC currently has no definition of the geographic areas. This should go to the
NCR Regional Executive to determine the geographic areas. Branches are CB of
the regions. Ottawa Centreville, Ottawa South, and Ottawa West. Michael is the By-
Laws Chair for the NCR. Considered completed by BLPC.
Action: Michael to bring to the NCR Regional Executive. Completed by BLPC.
d) Model By-Laws
BLPC to review the model By-laws for Groups, Sub-Groups and Branches. The
similar changes could be reflected in the model for the Chapters. In the preamble the
second one should read By-Laws, regulations, and policies.
Action: Ann to send to Tony for review of group, sub-group and branch model by-laws.
Similar changes could be made for the Chapter. Then to send a formal email from the
RSC email.
e) IT Group By-Laws
Two finance points were added (group finances and reviewing sections), and minor
changes to make it consistent with the model and to make capitalization consistent

and were done in track changes. Both references to “Regulations” need to be
changed to “Policies.”
Action: Ann to include on the September Board meeting agenda. The same changes
need to be made in the French.
f) HOC By-Laws for proxy
Michael sent them the proxy and they approved it. 5fe changed Proxyform to PROXY
Action: Michael to send it to HOC noting the reference to PROXYFORM was changed
g) IT Montérégie SG By-Laws
Tony provided the document and minor edits were made such as changing two years
to three years. The first reference to “regulations” should be “policies”. The second
reference is By-Laws, Regulations and Policies as per the model. The term was also
changed from two to three years. The word auditing in French is “verification” which
doesn’t change in French the translation for policies does change (changed from
Action: Ann to include on the September Board meeting agenda
h) Simcoe Grey Branch By-Laws
Mandy noted that it was approved and is based on the model. Minor changes from
“auditing” to “reviewing” to make it in line with the model. It was noted that the
definitions go in alphabetic order. In the rules of procedure, the new procedural
manuals were added from the model, and policy was changed to policies.
Action: Ann to include it on the September Board meeting agenda and make the
changes in the French.
i) Toronto East AFS SG
Mandy noted that they had no By-Laws previously, so they are based on the model.
They opted to elect all positions in the same year, other than staggering the
elections. They need to ratify it at their fall AGM, so it remains pending. To be
translated after Toronto East approves the By-Laws at their AGM in the fall.

j) Toronto East Branch
Mandy noted that they need to ratify it at their fall AGM, so it remains pending. To be
translated after Toronto East approves the By-Laws at their AGM in the fall. Minor
changes were made such as changing auditing to reviewing.

k) RMG Proposed By-Laws
Scott noted that their annual meeting will be in October. The proposed changes are
underlined. There were quite a few discrepancies with the model. Fairly significant
changes were made. The BLPC questioned the reason for having extra hotel stays
for meetings with the Core Executives prior to each Board meeting effectively forcing
a two-day meeting and significant hotel costs. It also doesn’t specify who the guests
or observers are at their Executive meetings. The motivation for such meetings
seemed questionable.
Action: Scott to refer the changes back to RMG, and potentially refer the policy to
PIPSC Legal via the Executive Secretary’s Office for review the legitimacy of the
Executive meetings.
The By-Laws are pending ratification of changes at their AGM.
l) JCC Group By-Laws
This is a duplicate with Parked items 6b. Mandy noted that this is a provincial group
and it was supposed to be approved in 2014 but it was never posted to the website.
Director Costain confirmed that November 22, 2014, that it was referred to Sean
Gillis in his BLPC notes and was ongoing.
The standard changes of “regulations” to “policies” and “auditing” to “reviewing” need
to be made. They would like it updated and sent to the Board for approval.
Action: Mandy to see she can ask for an MS Word version. Edits to be made by Ann
Gregory, and then sent to the Board for approval.
m) WCG Attendance Briefing Note
The following motion was passed at the February 2023 Board meeting.
Moved and seconded (Roach/McLaren) that the Board instruct BLPC to ensure
the necessary PIPSC policies reflect the fact that attendance at the WGC is
considered mandatory for the Consultation Presidents, that a Consultation
President can send a designate for times when they are unable to attend and that
the designate be identified annually. This requirement shall become effective with
the August [2023] meeting. Carried by consensus.
The Working Group on Consultation may have had as few as 8 participants whereas
they should have about 50 participants. This is a mandatory meeting for the
Consultation Presidents.
In the Policy on Consultation (see Labour Relations), see section 7, to add after 11th
● is required to attend all the meetings of the Working Group on Consultation
and if not available, must send an alternate. The alternate shall be identified
on an annual basis.

Action: To have the suggested revised wording translated and sent to the Board for
consideration at the November or December meeting.

n) BL 17.4 – Elections Appeals Committee
This is a bylaw change, and it is too late to change it for this AGM. Manny provided
some background on the issue with the Elections Appeals Committee this year, but
no clear instruction was provided by the Board. Scott described the structure of the
Panel of Peers and suggested that something similar could be established for this
We require more information from the Board and thus this item is deferred to the next
BLPC meeting.

o) HRDC – Change to the Policy on Purchasing Promotional and Visibility Items
This item was received from Stacy McLaren.
Moved and seconded (McLaren/Muench) that the Board of Directors recommend
an update to the Policy on Purchasing and Procurement.
Be it further resolved, if passed, the Board of Directors will then mandate the
Policy & Communications department to research and develop the criteria
required in order to evaluate businesses that PIPSC uses for purchasing
promotional and visibility items. 
Considerations should include whether or not

● The business has ethical purchasing policies
● The business has ethical wage and working conditions
● The business is owned by persons of that equity seeking

Motion Carried
Consensus is to defer this to the next BLPC meeting when we may have more

Next meeting: Monday, October 23, 2023, in Ottawa (9 am to 5 pm)
The meeting adjourned at 4:38 pm.