The Pay Equity Committee at CFIA has almost completed the process of creating job classes which include similar duties, responsibilities, qualifications, and the same compensation plan within the same range of salary rates. Once we have completed the job classes, the committee will then rate the value of work. To conduct this step effectively, we must gather information from incumbents who can provide the committee with a better understanding of their work.

The gathering of information will be exhausted through the provision of job descriptions, job postings, interviews, and a Job Information Questionnaire (JIQ) completed by incumbents. This is not an employer initiative nor a performance appraisal. Although Pay Equity is an employer obligation, the committee shares a commitment to ensure the process is compliant and purposeful. All committee members have signed a Terms of Reference, which includes a confidentiality agreement. The Act is clear, the information gathered for the purpose of pay equity is not supposed to be used for any other determination. Any violation of that Act comes with a penalty.

The same JIQ is provided to all participants, regardless of your position. Without participation in the job gathering process, we are left with a lack of information to conduct the pay equity process effectively.

We appreciate your time if you are chosen to participate in completing a JIQ.

Members with questions or feedback can contact PIPSC at