To: All PIPSC Members at Environment & Climate Change Canada
Dear colleagues,
I hope that you are coping well with the unprecedented challenge posed by COVID-19, and are taking care of yourselves and your loved ones. It has been a struggle but we will get through it, by working together and supporting each other.
On March 2, 2020, I wrote to Management to provide guidance to employees 1) at work, 2) travel within Canada and 3) travel outside of Canada for meetings and conferences, or receiving international visitors. I submitted a similar request to PIPSC, to engage with the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat, for the same purpose.
Since then, a lot of work has been done. We are continuing to engage Management to advocate on behalf of all our members. On July 13, I submitted a consolidated brief summary of our requests, which is enclosed for your information. Your comments and advice are critical for me to advocate effectively on your behalf. I welcome your comments, questions and feedback.
Your health and safety are most important to us. In these challenging times, it is even more important to pay special attention to our mental health as well as to the mental health of others around us. Even though physical distancing is essential, I encourage you to maintain a “social connection” with your family, colleagues, and others around you.
I will continue to advocate for appropriate support that you need for your health and safety, as well as for achieving your professional goals including the protection of our environment, the preservation of our nature and keeping Canadians informed about changes that are taking place from daily weather to long term climate change.
Stay safe, stay well!
Waheed Khan
President, National Consultation Team
Consultation with Bargaining Agents
PIPSC Submission to ECCC Management |
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Critical Services: From the outset, the Department has invoked “Critical Services” and “Business Continuity” which are not well defined in collective agreements or elsewhere. However, collective agreements and other established guidelines provide necessary guidance to management and Bargaining Agents to deal with this unprecedented challenge in a collaborative and respectful manner. For “essential services”, the department as an obligation to provide a list of designated positions in a bargaining unit, accompanied by the corresponding rationale and the location of work. We have requested a list of our members delivering critical services and Branch Business Continuity Plans from the start. We have received partial information only from Canadian Wildlife Services (thank you, ADM Sue Milburn-Hopwood). |
1) A list of employees (by union) considered to provide “critical” services, with location of office, whether working on site or from home, with effective date, and 2) Business Continuity Plan for each Branch. |
Employees who are required to work on site have been facing three key classes of additional hardships:
A) Safety and hygiene at workplace Workplaces were not ready to fully implement Health Authorities’ guidelines such as adequate social/physical distances at all times and the provision of appropriate PPEs such as masks, face shields, gloves and hand sanitizers. While progress has been made in this regard, we hear from employees that the inventories of PPEs are not adequately maintained at all times in some workplaces and some employees report restricted access and permission, discouraging their use. Many jurisdictions have already mandated the use of PPEs in buildings and other gathering places. While the impacts have been limited due to a small number of employees working on site, it can grow as more employees will gradually come back to work sites. It is, therefore, important to put in place a more effective process for the safety of employees performing critical functions on site. |
B) Extra expenses Right from the start, transit services were reduced and commute by transit was considered to raise the risk of contracting COVID-19 virus. This forced most employees to use personal transportation to report at worksites, incurring extra expenses on transportation and parking. The Department started a partial reimbursement of expenses for some employees doing shift work on site. While a step in the right direction, the support was not sufficient, was not uniform and some employees considered it unfair and arbitrary. In contrast to the approach of the Department, other Departments/Agencies adopted a more reasonable approach to the reimbursement of expenses, demonstrating an appropriate level of empathy, care, compassion and support. We raised this issue and were advised that management would look into this. For your convenience, we are copying below how Canada Revenue Agency supports its employees performing critical functions: Under normal circumstances, employees are responsible to get to their permanent workplace by their own means and at their own cost. However, due to the situation, the employee can seek pre-approval from their manager to use another mode of transportation and claim the incurred transportation costs (parking, taxi, Uber, mileage). According to section 3.13.1 of the Travel Directive, the manager must pre-authorize the mode of transportation based on reasonability of costs, duration, convenience, safety and practicality.
C) Hardship imposed by Pay Issues: Since the introduction of Phoenix against the advice of the Bargaining Agents, all employees have endured various degrees of hardship, which has been lately recognized by the employer, as proved by the Phoenix settlement reached with bargaining Agents in 2019 and 2020. Shift-workers have been the victims of Phoenix, suffering disproportionately compared to other employees, because of the nature of their work. In this context, we have a number of times requested that a pay advisor knowledgeable about shift-work issues should be assigned to work on the pay issues of shift-workers. While management has often been sympathetic, our request has not been implemented, because of shortage of resources in the departmental pay liaison office.
However, it was recently brought to our attention that Departmental Pay Liaison Office has set up a project with dedicated resources to calculate overpayments made by Phoenix since 2016 by miscalculating pay on account of work performed on Designated Paid Holidays, and to recover the overpayments. It seems that every Meteorologist performing shift work/critical functions to enable the Department to deliver its mandate during COVID-19 will be impacted negatively by this announcement. This will also impact some employees who have retired during the past few years and believe that their accounts with the Department have long been balanced. It also seems like an appropriate occasion to put statutory freeze on recoveries that are the direct result of the failure of the employer’s systems and the issues have not been addressed for a long time. On the positive side, we appreciate that management has assured us that any action to trigger to recover overpayments will not be initiated until:
Many PIPSC staff have changed during this period and we are struggling with finding any information exchanged between PIPSC and the Department or TBS on this issue. |
Return to Workplaces/Worksites: The Public service has demonstrated that most public servants can perform their work from a remote location. There is no end date in sight at this time for bringing COVID-19 under control through medications and vaccination. The increasing density in most workplaces, particularly whose retrofitted to Workplace 2.0 standard, means that there is insufficient space for most employees to work on site. A good strategy is needed.
Employees can be divided into three broad groups: A), Employees who have specific circumstances (health reasons, family responsibilities/dependents): While our requests to the Department to provide data on the usage of Leave with Pay Code 699 has not yet been acceded to, anecdotal evidence indicates that a relatively small number of employees have been using this flexibility. |
B), Employees who are able to, and willing to work from home/remote location: It has been clear for most employers that working from home or remote location will be the norm during the foreseeable future. The sooner the Department can accept and communicate this reality, the sooner will work normalize and both employees and the Department can make investments that can bear fruit in terms of Health & Safety, and productivity. Working from home also offer significant climate change and environmental benefits, consistent with the Government’s priority to lower GHG emissions and air-born pollutants, which should be recognized and communicated as part of Departmental messaging. The current environment of uncertainty, including reference to three weeks of notice to return to workplace, is increasing anxiety. We recommend:
C), Employees who are not able to work from home/remote location because of the nature of their work or their personal circumstances: The employer has a responsibility to provide a place of work to employees. For all such employees, we have the following recommendations: |
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Enabling Services to support Virtual Work: The Department has introduced a number of tools to help employees work from remote locations. Given the increasing use of virtual fora to conduct business, we provide the following recommendations: |
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Supporting employees: We understand that staffing actions are largely on hold and ADM level permission is required for critical staffing actions. However, the Department employs a number of term employees who are qualified and have proven expertise, often have security clearances and understand Departmental files. In many cases, their terms are ending during COVID-19, leaving them without jobs because of halted or reduced staffing in the public service. The Government of Canada is going through great lengths to help Canadians keep or retain jobs.
A number of current employees are in pre-qualified pools and are waiting for managers to give them job offers. In several cases, members of employment equity groups are also in these pools which provides the Department an opportunity to support their career progression, noting that often employment equity groups members are disproportionately clustered at lower levels.
Most if not all professional conferences and training courses have been shifted to virtual forums, reducing the costs of attendance since travel is no longer required.
Meeting the accessibility and ergonomic requirements of employees has been a challenge recognized by the public service. The process has continued to be cumbersome and protracted, with multiple approval points within the Department as well as often outside the Department. Consequently, progress on creating a welcoming environment by default has been escaping realization, even though the benefits are well recognized.
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Departmental Working Groups: On June 22, the Deputy Ministers announced that four working groups have been set up to provide advice and guidance related to laboratory work, field work, special operations, and the office environment. We have recently received more information about these working groups and their membership. In support of these WGs, we have provided a number of recommendations: |