
Members belong to Groups, which include all the members of the same bargaining unit. Each Group operates under its own Constitution which must be consistent with Institute By-Laws. Members of the Group elect their own Executive.

As a member,your voice counts and you're encouraged to participate in the activities of your Group.

Institute Sub-Groups are listed under their respective Group page.

Latest Group and Sub-Group News

6 March 2019
PIPSC London AFS Sub-Group Elections 2019 Call for Nominations The current mandate for some of your London AFS Sub-Group Executive members will end at our Tuesday, May 7, 2019 Annual General Meeting.
6 March 2019
NOTICE AND CALL FOR DELEGATES OF ENGINEERING, ARCHITECTURE AND LAND SURVEY (NR) GROUP 2019 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Groups hold Annual General Meetings (AGMs) in order to allow member delegates to have a say in the Group business and set priorities for their Executives.
5 March 2019
CS Bargaining Update February 28, 2019 To all proud CS Group Members,
5 March 2019
Notice of the 2019 Annual General Meeting Montreal City AFS Sub-Group and Montreal Center Branch Montreal City AFS Sub-Group and Montreal Center Branch 2019 Annual General Meeting You are cordially invited to attend the Montreal City AGM for the AFS Sub-Group and the Montreal
5 March 2019
5 March 2019
Fellow members,
5 March 2019
Following the close of nominations on February 20, 2019 the following members expressed their willingness to serve as representatives on the SH Group Executive. The term of office for the members elected to the SH Group Executive shall be three years.
5 March 2019
Hey everyone. The 50 Victoria Street subgroup is holding another drop-in session on Thursday March 21st, from 9:30 to 10:30 am in the union offices, located on the commercial level in C119A (located near the entrance on Victoria Street). There will be donuts and coffee available.
5 March 2019
Notice of AGM Date: Thursday, 11 April 2019Time: 5:30 PM – 9:00 PMLocation: Boston Pizza, 2517 Portage Ave. Guest Speaker:
4 March 2019
2019 SH GROUP ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Notice and Call for Delegates DATE:  March 1, 2019 TO: All SH Group Members FROM: Joanne Bouchard President, SH Group
1 March 2019
PIPSC Retired Members Guild, NS; Minutes - Executive Meeting - Jan.
1 March 2019
“Lifer” Syndrome You have been in the same position or at the same group and level for what seems to be forever, with little opportunities (if any) for promotion.  Bargaining has provided economical pay increases over the last few years, but you feel that your salary is not at par with
1 March 2019
SH Group Bargaining Communique #10 - February 2019 Members of the Bargaining Team for the SH Group met with the Treasury Board February 19 to 21/2019.
1 March 2019
An invitation to meet members of the RE Group Executive, with lunch provided! As part of their efforts to meet RE Group members on a regular basis, some members of the RE Group Executive will be visiting to talk about issues of interest to RE Group members (including a brief update on b
28 February 2019
To all Members,
26 February 2019
Lunch & Learn: Update on Collective Bargaining To: All SP Members at Place Vincent Massey & Fontaine Building, Gatineau
26 February 2019
NAV CANADA CALL FOR NOMINATIONS March 2019 You are invited to participate in the NAV CANADA Executive elections, members like you who will work to enhance your terms and conditions of employment.
26 February 2019
The Executive of the Vancouver Chapter of the Retired Members Guild of PIPSC invites you to our AGM for 2019. This forum is an opportunity to discuss common concerns and share ideas related to retired PIPSC members. Guest speakers will be present and a light lunch will be served.
25 February 2019
AV Group Bargaining Information Session April 18 The AV Ottawa sub-group would like to invite you to a Lunch and Learn event on Bargaining on April 18th at the RCAF Mess at 158 Gloucester Street in Ottawa.
25 February 2019
AFS Ottawa TSO & ITSO Sub-group ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING (AGM) NOTICE Date: Wednesday, March 27, 2019 Location: Tucker’s Marketplace Restaurant, 61 York Street, Ottawa Social: 5:15 p.m. – 5:45 p.m.