SH DND Quebec Region Sub-Group

1. Welcome from the President. Start of the meeting at 8:00 a.m.
a. Introduction of the Sub-Group Executive: President: Josée Girard, Vice President:
Pierre Roberge, Treasurer: Renée Lessard, Secretary: Josée Girard, Directors:
Sonia Richard, Julie Tremblay, Anne Leblond.
b. In attendance: Josée Girard, Renée Lessard, Sonia Richard, Julie Tremblay,
Pierre Roberge, Anne Leblond. No absences. Quorum confirmed.

2. Review and approval of the agenda: Moved by Renée Lessard, seconded by Julie Tremblay.
3. Review and approval of the minutes of the last meeting of March 10, 2023: Moved by
Renée Lessard, seconded by Sonia Richard.
4. Feedback on the 2023 AGM and 2024 AGM Sub-Group planning:
a. Executive members note that the use of Zoom did not reach as many members as it
did with the use of TEAMS, and a reflection is needed to determine the best way to
reach our members for the future AGM. It should be recalled that the Executive had
to deal with a particular situation that led to the 2023 AGM being modified and

postponed, despite our fears of not having maximum participation.
b. The Executive wonders about the participation rate and notes that the best time to
join our members seemed to be at lunchtime rather than in the evening. However,
some of our members are unable to use Zoom at this time.
c. Feedback on the Institute’s request to use Zoom rather than TEAMS, which belongs to
the employer. The Executive notes that the employer has always agreed to allow the
Union to use equipment such as TEAMS. The Executive has always been respectful,
and no inappropriate comments have ever been made when using this medium.
d. The President will contact Mr. Pierre Potvin, Quebec Regional Director, to present the
findings in order to obtain the Institute’s position and recommendations, and to
propose to resume the usage of TEAMS. The Executive believes that it is more than
relevant to maintain the connection with its members, especially with the
modernization that is coming to DND.
5. Sub-Group’s finance/budget/bank account:
a. Presentation by Renée Lessard, who informs us that she has made the request for the
next budget submission and is awaiting the amount.
b. The Sub-Group’s current budget is $3286.87. The budget at the time of the
2023 AGM was $3322.28. A $50 gift certificate was awarded at the AGM.
c. Renée Lessard announces her departure from the Executive for professional reasons.
Anne Leblond accepts to continue as Treasurer.
A transfer will be made between them. Our warmest thanks to Renée Lessard for her
invaluable contribution to the Executive.

6. Promotional items:
a. Feedback on the purchase of shirts for Executive Members. It should be recalled that
the purchase was decided in a context of promoting the existence of the Sub-Group

by identifying the Executive Members. The amount of $120 has been revised upwards
in view of the rising cost of living, and is now $150 including taxes. The amount for
the logo will be excluded from this amount. It was agreed that any excess amount on
the purchase will be assumed by the Executive Member if they wish to purchase a
more expensive item. The item can be chosen by the Executive Member (fleece,
blouse, etc.) but must be black. This proposal is accepted unanimously.
b. Renée Lessard, Pierre Roberge and Sonia Richard wish to hand over their budget for
the Executive Members.
c. The Executive will conduct research to target the purchase of promotional items for
members, following Eric Massey’s recommendations at the last AGM. Pierre Roberge
suggests the purchase of coffee mugs. The Executive will come back to the subject
with proposals at the next Executive Meeting.

7. Miscellaneous:
a. Renée Lessard’s departure: still looking for someone to represent the St-Jean clinic.
Questions from its members about future budget cuts for National Defence. We ask if
civilians could benefit from waivers for military expenses.
b. Pierre Roberge explains the situation at Valcartier. He informs us of the resumption of
the UMCs. He is continuing his search to fill the position still vacant at Valcartier.
c. Bagotville has also resumed UMCs after a long period.
8. Adjournment at 10:00 a.m.: Moved by ?, seconded by ?