Winnipeg & Southern Manitoba CS Group AGM

April 15, 2021



In attendance: Rose Dong, Brody Bell, David Hakes, Kris Schellekens, Jason Caners, Andre Saive, Roy Mulchand, Pramesh Selliah, Dennis Savage


  1. Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 5:33pm, Roy Mulchand preceding.
  1. Introductions: Roy welcomed everyone and introduced the current Winnipeg & Southern Manitoba. Special welcome to Stan Buday, Rob Scott, and Stacy McLaren who are joining us from outside our group.
  1. Minutes Acceptance: Rose shared the minutes and financial report from the 2019 AGM. Pramesh moved a motion to accept, seconded by Jason. Motion carried.
  1. President's Report: Rose welcomed and thanked everyone for joining. The last two years have been busy with pizza lunches, coffee and donuts events while discussing a wide variety of topics including the collective agreement, CS to IT conversion, and bargaining. She thanked the executive for their continued support even though many terms have ended. Rose has indicated she will not be submitting her name to continue as she will be retiring very shortly. Rose reminded everyone to check their pay stubs as the new pay rates have taken effect, back pay expected may 12, and by summer 2021 the $x implementation bonus.
  1. Treasurer's Report: Congratulations to Rose, Kris has indicated she will not be putting her name forward for the future executive. Kris presented the current and proposed financial statements and advised anyone wishing for copies to contact her. Roy motioned to accept the treasurer's report, seconded by Rose. Motion carried.
  1. Executive Nominations: Jason presented the executive nominations as received:


President - Roy Mulchand - Roy acclaimed - 2yr

Vice-President - Pramesh Selliah and Brody Bell - Pramesh elected - 1yr

Treasurer -  Adam Belaire - Adam acclaimed - 1yr

Secretary - Brody Bell and Gil Vargas - Brody elected - 2yr

Member at Large - Kurt Daeninck, Ted Skoczylas, Gil Vargas, Richard McKay, Jason Caners, and Andre Saive all acclaimed. Two and one year appointments for Members at Large will be chosen at the first executive meeting.


  1. CS Group Update: Stan would like to thank everyone for the invite to speak to the subgroup at this AGM. Thanks to everyone who has served on the Winnipeg subgroup to date. Stan and Rob the presented CS Group update via PowerPoint. Stan and Rob proceeded to take questions from the group.
  1. Closing: David has randomly picked door prizes from a jar and the winners are as follows:


#1 Andre Saive

#16 Adam Belair

#23 Kurt Daeninck

#10 Dennis Savage

#18 Jason Caners

#7 Gil Vargas


Rose advises this coming Sunday April 18th, from 10am - 1130am at 2190 McGillivary, executive members will be providing promotional items to the members in a drive-by pick up style.

Adjournment: A motion to adjourn was made by Roy Mulchand, seconded by Brody Bell and carried a unanimous vote. The meeting was adjourned at 7:25pm.