St. John’s IT Subgroup Executive Meeting - April 19, 2023

Location: Moxies

Date: April 19th, 2023 at 5:30 pm


Present: Christine LeDrew, Craig Butler, Steve Dillon, Mike Lester, Tracey Locke, Scott Squires, Ranvir Rana, Adam Bennett, Gerard Grace, Lucille Shears (Guest Speaker)

The meeting was called to order at 5:30 pm by Christine LeDrew 

Motion to adopt agenda presented by Ranir Rana, Adam Bennett seconded – All in favour motion carried.

Review and motion to accept St. John’s subgroup previous meeting minutes.

Mike Lester presented motion to accept, Gerard Grace seconded – All in favour motion carried.

Action Items


Finance Update – Christine LeDrew for Sherry Brown

Finances are in good standing.


New Business:

Member Event – Christine LeDrew

Christine talked about a possible pool event at a local pool hall – West Side Charlies.

$XX an hour table rental – Food can be provided onsite for a cost.

Full costs to be known soon.

June 6-8 or the week of June 14th (NPSW) are possible options.


Virtual Bargaining Information session – Christine LeDrew

Christine reached out to Rob Scott, J.P., and Stan

She is still awaiting a reply.


AGM Planning – Christine LeDrew

The first week of October was discussed as a possible option.

It will be an evening event, perhaps October 3rd.

Pizza and dessert like last years AGM.

We will ask Pierre Touchette & Rob Scott to come as guest speakers.


PSAC Strike – Christine LeDrew

Please show up and stand in solidarity with the PSAC members.

Introduce yourself to the picket captain and walk the picket line with them during your lunch hour.

Spread the word on the strike and why it is occurring.

Steve Dillon presented a motion to provide coffee and donuts for picket lines. He suggested 3 sites DFO – White hills, CRA 290 Empire Avenue and ESDC 689 Topsail Road.

Ranvir Rana seconded the motion. All in Favour motion carried.


IT Subgroup President’s Meeting- Christine LeDrew

It was a two-day event in Victoria, BC

Discussion had a bout a Virtual Subgroup Pilot

1000 members are not in a geographical area.

IF there was a virtual subgroup, these 1000 people could be part of it.

Would this work or are Virtual information session the best way to reach these people. 

More research is required to determine the feasibility of this.

Hybrid meetings / AGM’s were discussed. How would they work when it comes to translation, Cameras, microphones, etc.

These costs would not be manageable by Subgroups.

A debrief of what subgroups have been doing and issues they are encountering.

Member engagement is a common issue for all.


Union Swag – Christine LeDrew

We have 25 T-shirts and 25 Toques in stock.

Some other possible options are:

Mousepads - $XXXX each minimum order 50 

Baseball Hat - $XXXX each 

Pens - $XXXX each minimum order 100

Travelling Tech Bag - $XXXX each minimum order 25

It was determined that out current inventory will be suffice. 


Steward Recruitment and RANDS – Christine LeDrew


We are always looking for Stewards. If you know of someone who is interested, please help them along to get the forms and application completed.

As of the last meeting we had 9 Rands; that has now been reduced to 5.


Bargaining Update – Lucille Shears

The next bargaining session will be May 15th.

We have chosen binding Arbitration as our route to resolution.

It is possible we may be at an impasse by July. At this point then the arbitration process will start.


Tentative Meeting Schedule – Christine LeDrew

A poll will be sent out with some options for the next meeting


Round Table


Action Items

Christine to invite ROB and/or Pierre to our AGM.


Motion to adjourn – Steve Dillon, Christine LeDrew seconded. 

All in Favour – motion carried.

Meeting adjourned 7:45 PM