Location: Restaurant International, Algonquin College
H101 - 1385 Woodroffe Ave, Ottawa (across from Baseline Station)

Call to Order  6PM

 Introduction of Subgroup Exec and Honored Guests

1- Approval of the Agenda

Stacey McLaren and Michael Vincent – approved unanimously

2- Minutes of the 2017 AGM 

Catherine Keir and Michael Vincent approved unanimously

3- CS Ottawa West President's Address

Nino gave a brief on what the Subgroup has been doing

4- Treasurer's Report

Beverly gave the 2017 Financial Statement.

Beverly Miranda and Scott Rawlings approved unanimously

Beverly Presented the 2019 Budget

Beverly Miranda and Brandon Wilson approved unanimously

5- Subgroup Executive Election

Election Committee -  Van Anh Nguyen and Brandon Wilson

There are 7 vacant position, the 1st 6 with the highest number of votes will be for 2 years,  the 7th position will be for 1 year all nominees will be able to give a 2 minute introduction

10 people nominate

Catherine Keir, Michael Vincent, Rachel Wang, Nino Mangione, Scott Rawlings, Frank Da Silva, Tamara Critch, Beverly Miranda, Bill Absi, David Topp

6- Employee Wellness Support Program presentation – Eva Henshaw

7- VIP Panel and Questions

Each guest was given 10 minutes to speak on their hot topic and then questions from the floor

Stan Buday(next round of bargaining), Pierre Touchette (the new IT Classification), Lucille Shears(member engagement), Eva Henshaw(Contracting out), Sean O’Reilly(Activity Based Workplace, Young Professionals),Stacey McLaren(mobilization, 50th anniversary of the CS group)

8 - Adjournment 9PM

Next AGM May 14 2019 Restaurant International, Algonquin College