IT Group Executive Meeting


13 May 2023 , 09h00 - 17h00 (Eastern time)


Delta Hotels by Marriott Montreal

Concerto Meeting Room (Mezzanine)




Present: Stan Buday, Pierre Touchette, Deb Butler, Tony Goddard, Karim Chaggani, Yvonne Snaddon, Patricia Williams, Rob Scott, Tamara Critch, Lucille Shears, Denis Caissy

Staff: JP Leduc, Robert Séguin

Regrets: Stéphane Aubry

  1. Welcome by Stan: 9h12 – We have a full agenda and will have again in June. Steven Frechette has stepped down from the Executive for personal reasons. Rob will reach out to determine if that includes the bargaining team.


  1. Adoption of Agenda

Moved : Tony Goddard                          Seconded : Deb Butler

That the agenda be adopted as amended.



  1. Approval of Minutes of Last meeting


Moved: Tony Goddard                           Seconded: Karim Chaggani

That the minutes of 30 March 2023 be approved as presented.



  1. Business Arising from the minutes/Action Items Affaires découlant du procès-verbal/Points d'action
  1. Stephane has volunteered to draft the motion to include Group representation at the BoD and BoD Committees. (Stephane)

Moved: - Tony Goddard     Seconded: Pierre Touchette

THAT we table this item until the June meeting.



  1. JP to follow up with Kiavash on the RTO communications. (JP)

Met with Tony & Kiavash about how communications will be sent and stressed that we should be waiting for the employer to communicate with our members. We should direct our members to talk to their managers when they have questions about RTO. I’ve asked Kiavash to put this messaging on hold. Lucille has received a new message from DFO on IT exemptions (see attached) Will this also be sent by other departments? JP continued to say that there is no standardization across departments. JP also reminded us that there is a survey currently being conducted by the Institute. Tamara mentioned that SSC has also been playing with the exemptions, but no one has to RTO until any special requests have been evaluated. Karim stated that it is not consistent across depts and not consistent within some departments, for his department (SSC) all are still working from home. It was stressed that if members are working from office health & safety must be a priority and first aid officers and fire wardens must be on the floor. Many floors have nobody. JP reminded us that his mandate was ONLY for the 25% of our members who have already been told not to RTO. We will also discuss RTO at the bargaining table in the next session. Pierre stated that we need to determine our position at the bargaining table. Everything seems to be blocked at the ADM level and rumours are that ADM bonus is linked to the number of people returned to the office. Pierre has filed 14 DTA at SSC and all have been denied and all previous agreements have been repealed.


ACTION ITEM: Pierre to type up these issues and share with the Exec and Craig Bradley (Cons Pres for SSC).


Stan requested that we make this (RTO) a standing item on our agendas. Lucille read the email from DFO concerning IT exemptions. JP - we need clear direction from TBS (at bargaining table) on how this may be rolled out to all departments and how this works with DTA.


  1. Are RAND-Y receiving IT bytes?? (Tony) YES - only the RAND-N are completely excluded from normal communications.


  1. Draft a special IT Bytes with link to PIPSC application page. (Tony & Rob) Ongoing.


  1. Standing Items / Points permanents
    1. Bargaining Update


BREAK – 10h40


    1. Strategic Planning Update & Review (Stan)

Stan – have we moved forward and everything is completed.


    1. Visibility (Pierre) We will review the visibility item budget during the budget review. Patricia will ask for a new list of IT stewards – Yoga mats will be brought to Lac Leamy for the AGM. Yvonne has members requesting togues Stan – we had discussion on fabrics and non-natural fibres are not good for the environment (polyester, etc.) Lucille –



  1. New Business / Nouvelles affaires
    1. PIPSC AGM call for delegates We have not received any notice for delegate selection. Tony to follow up with PIPSC


ACTION ITEM: Tony to communicate with PIPSC and determine when and to whom the PIPSC AGM delegate call was sent.


    1. Review IT AGM Agenda

Adjustments were made to the speaking order and general timeline. Pierre stated that this may be his last year, he has not yet decided but he does not support inviting the AFS President.  Rob supports the invitation to the AFS President to strengthen our relationship and improve how we are now working together, unlike many years ago. We should also try to foster better relationships with other groups. Stan – many of the points raised about past bargaining moves were done on the direction of the PIPSC President at the time. We were the leader in addressing the Regional Councils, etc. even the “secret” presidents’ meetings have improved relations with some of the groups as well. Creating these relationships and maintaining them, is critical and is being reciprocated.

Moved: - Stan Buday     Seconded: Rob Scott

THAT we invite the AFS President to speak at our AGM and cover the cost of his hotel room (approx. $500).



Yvonne supports Doug Mason addressing our members to demonstrate our unity and to foster improving our relationship. All cost besides hotel is already covered. Stan would speak to unity, solidarity, bargaining rounds, etc. Patricia advised that the dinner Friday night will be a buffet and will include wine or drink tickets. There will be no entertainment afterwards but we are still willing to reach out for a band/entertainer. Yoga may be moved outside since there is no room available Deb asked if the dinner is mandatory? No since some may not arrive at the Hilton in time. Yvonne – Yoga could be better in the hallway in front of the meeting. She also suggested a photo op with or without placards.


ACTION ITEM: Yvonne will organize a picture opportunity for the Group and will contact Linda or Kiavash (Communications) to help contact a photographer.

ACTION ITEM: JP will arrange for signs/placards for the photo op..


We need a time for awards and Stan also wants to present some citations. We agreed to an earlier start and later finish than indicated on the agenda presented. Pierre - add bylaw discussions and resolutions and add a notice of the buffet breakfast. Yvonne suggested we add a presentation on the CLC Convention – much discussion about pros and cons of giving an update to our membership and final decision was to include an update in Stan’s report. Deb – budget of $3500 includes hospitality; we may go over budget.


    1. Resolutions for IT AGM (Resolutions attached)

4.3.4 Supported

4.3.5 Supported

Pierre to write a Regulation to cover the election period.

4.3.6 Supported

4.3.7 Supported - what is the cost? Translation.

Regulation – Youth member – open debate on the floor of the AGM

The following were passed at the Québec Regional Council – for presentation at the IT AGM and looking for support at the PIPSC AGM:

Q4 – Stan may have supported this at 250 as opposed to 300 – Denis spoke to the intent behind the Region’s resolution. Would reduce us from 100 to 66 delegates. Most feel its too big a change. Open vote at AGM.

Q6 – many questions around the Group label. Open vote.


    1. Motion to PIPSC AGM for Group Representation at the BoD (Stéphane) - deferred to next meeting.


    1. Subgroup Presidents’ Meeting 2023 Evaluation & Feedback (Lucille) report to be uploaded to the Google Drive. General feedback was that excellent and all who attended felt it was a worthwhile meeting. See the full report in the Subgroup Officer’s submitted report.


    1. NCR IT AGM delegates’ accommodation costs (Stan)


Moved: - Stan Buday     Seconded: Denis Caissy

THAT we cover the cost of the NCR delegates to stay at the Hilton one night (Friday room & 2 incidental) Approx. cost is $10K.



    1. Executive Replacement

With the resignation of Steven Frechette, we will approach Gordon Bulmer to fill the position. If Gordon does not accept, then move to the next on the list in order of election results.

CARRIED through consensus.


ACTION ITEM: Stan to contact Gordon Bulmer and offer him the position on the IT Executive.


Steward Portfolio – Tamara volunteered to work on the Steward Officer portfolio until the next Strategic Planning.

Carried by Consensus

    1. Zoom meetings issues:

Finance is counting Zoom meetings in our allotted meetings – we will then be charged for translation when we exceed our allotted number meetings. We should be aware that we may be charged for translation moving forward.  Money is becoming an issue – so extras will be questioned by Finance.

  1. Reports/Activities d’executive 
    1. President (Stan) Report on drive
    2. Vice-President (Pierre) – verbal report
    3. Treasurer (Deb) $113K without this year’s allocation – report will be presented at AGM.
    4. Steering Committee & Secretary (Tony)


MOVED: Stan Buday   SECONDED: Deb Butler

THAT the IT Group book and cover the cost of a room for Patrick Provost to attend the Edmonton Subgroup Planning Meeting on April 21, 2023.


    1. Bargaining (Rob/JP) Reported above.
    2. NOC/ROC- Mobilization (Deb)
    3. Communications (Tony) - verbal report
    4. Subgroup Officer (Lucille) – report on drive
    5. Steward Officer (Steven)
    6. Membership Officer (Patricia) – verbal report
    7. Labour Relation & Consultation Officer & Contracting Out Officer (Yvonne) – report on drive
    8. ITYPC (Karim) – verbal report
  1. Other business & Roundtable / Autres affaires et table ronde

Lucille – CLC IT Executive selection process should have been discussed at exec – further discussion at exec meeting on June 2

Internet & Phone – send policy link to Deb

ACTION ITEM: Tony to send a link to the Policy covering internet and phone reimbursement to Deb.


Stan – one of our meetings would be virtual – we agreed to do half-day zooms

  1. Next meeting – 2 June 2023, Hilton Lac Leamy
  2. Adjournment at 17h01


Email From CIO at DFO (provided by Lucille Shears)

The Office of the Chief Information Officer of Canada (OCIO), within the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat, announced on January 18,2023, that federal government IT workers in high priority categories would fall under an exception category for the common approach to hybrid work. The IT exception category was implemented to help address recruitment and retention in the digital space: IT Software Solutions – application configuration and development using modern DevOps or DevSecOps, quality assurance and control, release management, database administration, accessibility testing and design, legacy systems, and critical business applications work IT Security – cyber security and security architecture, where roles can be performed remotely as determined by the department and security requirements IT Cloud Solutions – cloud architecture, cloud support, and cloud specialists


Employees who are eligible for these exceptions are still expected to attend in-person activities when directed by their manager. Managerial roles are excluded from this exception. On May 2, 2023, the Deputy Minister approved the proposed application of the IT Exception at DFO. The exceptions are as follows:

  • Employees located in the National Capital Region and regional hubs (locations with more than five IT staff) with a supervisor and/or team in the same location will work one day per week in the office;
  • All IT staff working in a regional hub with no teammates at the same location, but other IT employees on site, will work one day a month in the office; and,
  • All IT staff anywhere with no other IT staff at that location will telework full time.


If you are receiving this email, you qualify for the IT exception, and are now requested to complete a new Work Arrangement Agreement. If you have another approved exception or a duty to accommodate, you do not need to enter a new agreement.