May 13, 2024 - 9 am to 5 pm ET
Michèle Demers Conference Centre, PIPSC

Present: Stan Buday, Pierre Touchette, Deb Butler, Tamara Critch, Patricia Williamson, Karim Chaggani, Robert Seguin, Denis Caissy, Stéphane Aubry, Gord Bulmer, Lucille Shears, Jordan Loverock, Yvonne Snaddon

Regrets: Rob Scott

Agenda/Ordre du jour

1)  Welcome / Bienvenue

2)  Adoption of Agenda / Adoption de l'ordre du jour

       Moved by: Jordan Loverock         Seconded by: Patricia Williamson


3)  Approval of Minutes of Last Meeting / Approbation du procès-verbal de la dernière réunion 05 April/avril 2024

        Moved by: Jordan Loverock         Seconded by: Patricia Williamson


4)  Business Arising from the minutes/Action Items Affaires découlant du procès-verbal/Points d’action

5)  Standing Items / Points permanents

a) Bargaining Update / Mise à jour sur les négociations (Robert)

i)  Issues around EI clawbacks for those who received the signing bonus and then went on parental leave or any other EI related leave.

b)  Strategic Planning Update & Review / Mise à jour et examen de la planification stratégique (Stan)

i)  Covered in new businesss.

c)  Visibility / visibilité (Pierre)

i)  Everything is prepared for IT AGM in Montreal.

ii) Standing IT flag samples have been created per region and will order subgroup specific ones next.

d)  Return to Office / Retour au bureau (All)

i)   PIPSC working with other unions to see what can be done under letter of agreement previously signed.

ii)  Members are asked to fill out a survey that was recently distributed.

iii) ACTION: Gordon to add telework request and grievance templates to shared drive.                                                     

6)  New Business / Nouvelles affaires

a)  IT AGM (Patricia)

1.  Reminder has gone out for members to accept their invitations.

2.  ACTION:  Patricia will start reaching out to members individually after Thursday for people to register.

3.  If members are having registration difficulties, they should reach out to Elizabeth directly.

i)   Additional Delegates - budgeted (Stan)

1.  ACTION: Jordan to add review of IT AGM selection criteria to the Strategic Planning agenda.

2.  Executive concurred that to use budgeted line item to add extra delegates who are active members to AGM if we fill up our allotment.

ii)  Lobbying Training (Stan, Robert, Yvonne)

1.  Stan provided overview of upcoming lobbying training for IT AGM

2.  Focusses will be contracting out and RTO.

3.  All members who attend the IT AGM lobbying training will be asked to contact their MP regarding lobbying topics.

4.  Members will be provided training at the AGM and be given a one-pager with speaking notes.

Motion: Approve an expenditure of up to $3000 for promotional items for those who lobby their MP after attending lobbying training at the IT AGM

Moved by: Yvonne Snaddon                                       Seconded by: Tamara Critch


iii) Resolutions (Tamara, Jordan)

1.  A review took place of the three resolutions received for the IT AGM

b)  New Communications Item (Tamara)

1.   A discussion took place regarding what to do with emails received in IT Executive mailbox regarding Return to Office and the recent increase to three days per week in-office in addition to the cancellation of IT exemptions.

a.  Members should be directed to their departmental consultation team.

b.  They will be sent the FAQ and RTO help form.

c.  Also ask them to complete the survey PIPSC recently sent out.

d.  Stan is also open to receiving questions directly in his capacity as IT Group President.

2.  ACTION: Tamara, Stan, and Robert to put together a draft template response to the emails received including addressing the cancellation of IT exemptions.

c)  Composition of Bargaining Team (Pushed to next meeting)

i.  Should all members of the IT Executive also be members of the bargaining team? (Rob)

d)  Lobbying One-sheet discussion (3:00 pm - Malcolm Lewis-Richmond)

i.  A discussion on what should be included in the lobbying one-pager that will be distributed during lobbying training at the IT AGM.

e)  Contracting Out Strategy (Yvonne)

i. Executive approved of Contracting Out Strategy.

f)  Training Fund (Robert, Committee)

i.   Looking at major partners to contract with such as Pluralsight or Percipio

ii.  Getting quotes for both providers

iii.  Looking at 2-year contracts for both

iv.  Plan has to be drafted and presented to IJCC for approval

g)  Elections Report (Stan)

i.   All-Candidates Meeting

1. To be held May 23

2. Two questions per candidate with 2.5 minutes to respond to each question. Questions will be received by the candidates ahead of the meeting.

ii.  Discussion on how alterations may be needed to the call-out for candidates in the future to better clarify the roles and responsibilities of serving on the IT Executive.

iii.  ACTION: Stan to send out email to all candidates to clarify roles and responsibilities of serving on the IT Executive.

h)  IJCC (Stan)

i.   Stan has received draft terms of reference

ii.  Meeting will be set up as soon as possible

i)  Awards (Tamara)

i. ACTION: Pierre to find out how much a replacement for Martine Leveillé award would cost.

j) Strategic Planning Review (All)

i.  August Strategic Planning (Stan)

1.  Location (Stan)

a.  Still looking to finalize location - may be held in Wakefield.

b.  ACTION: Executive to send any accessibility concerns to Stan to be relayed to Elizabeth.

2.  Agenda Planning Sub-committee (Stan)

a.  Stan, Robert, and Patricia will serve as members of the Agenda Planning Sub-Committee.

7) Reports/Activities dexecutive

 (Please file in the Executive Reports sub-directory / A déposer dans le sous-répertoire des rapports exécutifs )

a.  President /Président (Stan)

b.  Vice-President/Vice-président (Pierre)

c.  Treasurer/Trésorier (Deb)

d.  Steering Committee & Secretary/Comité directeur et Secrétaire (Jordan)

e.  Bargaining / Négociations (Robert)

f.  NOC/ROC- Mobilization / CNO/ROC- Mobilisation (Gordon)                          

g.  Communications (Tamara)

h.  Subgroup Officer/Agent de sous groupe  (Lucille)

i.  Steward Officer / Agent de délégués syndicaux (Tamara)

j.  Membership Officer / Agente de membership (Patricia)

k.  Labour Relation & Consultation Officer & Contracting Out Officer / Agente des relations de travail et de consultation et Agente chargée de la sous-traitance  (Yvonne)

l.  ITYPC (Jordan/Karim)

8)  Other business & Roundtable / Autres affaires et tour de table

a.  ACTION:  Stan to talk to Tony about getting social media credentials for Tamara

b.  ACTION: Jordan to add inactive subgroup discussion to agenda for next meeting on behalf of Yvonne

c.  ACTION: Yvonne to send guidelines to Robert, Stan, and Patricia for discussion during a breakout session at Strategic Planning


9) Next meeting / Prochaine réunion June 13

10)  Adjournment / Ajournement

        Moved by: Jordan Loverock         Seconded by: Pierre Couchette
