December 8, 2024 - 9 am to 5 pm ET
Michèle Demers Conference Centre, PIPSC

Present: Stan Buday, Pierre Touchette, Patricia Williamson, Rob Scott, Gord Bulmer, Denis Caissy, Jordan Loverock, Karim Chaggani, Yvonne Snaddon, Tamara Critch, Deb Butler, Robert Seguin, Lucille Shears

Regrets: Stéphane Aubry

Agenda/Ordre du jour

  1. Welcome / Bienvenue
  2. Adoption of Agenda / Adoption de l'ordre du jour
    Moved by: Jordan Loverock         Seconded by: Deb Butler
  3. Approval of Minutes of Last meeting / Approbation du procès-verbal de la dernière réunion
    16 October 2023 / 18 août 2023
    Moved by: Stan Buday                   Seconded by: Patricia Williams
  4. Business Arising from the minutes/Action Items Affaires découlant du procès-verbal/Points d'action
    a) Nil
  5. Standing Items / Points permanents
    a) Bargaining Update / Mise à jour sur les négociations (Rob & JP)
        i) Discussion moved to later in the meeting
    b) Strategic Planning Update & Review / Mise à jour et examen de la planification stratégique (Stan)
    c) Visibility / visibilité (Pierre)

Motion: Earmark up to $10 000 for display stands that will be available to each subgroup that requests them
Moved by: Deb Butler                    Seconded by: Karim Chaggani

Motion: Increase promotional items line item to up to $65 000
Moved by: Pierre Touchette       Seconded by: Deb Butler

d) Return to Office / Retour au bureau (All)

i) ACTION: Stan Buday will work with Sean O'Reilly and PIPSC to put out messaging regarding return to the office                                                            

6.  New Business / Nouvelles affaires

a. New Secretary (Stan)

a) Jordan Loverock has taken over as Secretary temporarily

b) ACTION: Jordan Loverock will reach out to Tony Goddard to learn more about the role

b. Formalize Meeting Schedule / Formaliser le calendrier des réunions (Stan)

i. February 3

ii. April 5

iii. May 13 (tentatively) Strategic planning

iv. June 14

v. August 23-24 Strategic planning

                Potential Locations

                                Kingston Delta

                                Isaiah Tubbs

                                Lac Leamy

                                Auberge des Gallant Restaurant and Spa

c. Christmas Dinner / Dîner de Noël (Stan)

i.   A reminder to be prompt with responses and a suggestion to include future events in the meeting invitation

ii.  A suggestion to have it the night before the Executive meeting going forward

iii. There will be a motion in the future to cover rooms for NCR members should they so choose

d.  IT Bargaining Team Distribution List / Liste de distribution de l'équipe de négociation TI (Stan)

e.  New Comms Officer (Stan)

i. Tamara Critch has taken over as Comms Officer temporarily

ii. ACTION: Tamara will request appropriate accesses from Tony Goddard

f.  Elections Committee (Stan)

i. Stan Buday, Rob Scott, Denis Caissy will comprise the Election Committee

ii. ACTION: Include in notice of elections that if you are elected to the IT National Executive that you may be required to be a member of the IT Group bargaining team

g.  IT National Executive Handbook (All)

i. ACTION: Every Executive member with a portfolio should complete a handbook for their role by the next Executive meeting and a general Executive member handbook should be created as well

h.  Contracting Out (Yvonne)

i. ACTION: Yvonne requests that all Executive members send her an email with their comments regarding how we move forward

ii. ACTION: Look into press release regarding contracting out numbers

iii. ACTION: Renew membership on the COAT since some members have stepped down

iv. ACTION: Yvonne will set up a meeting to discuss this topic further with Dean, Lucille, Stan, and Gord

v. ACTION: Denis requests a special recognition of some sort for the COAT

i.  NCR Sub-Groups (Gord)

i. ACTION: Lucille will contact Linda to set-up a half-day subgroup discussion meeting (potentially February 2) with Pierre, Patricia, Gord, and Stan

7.  Reports/Activities dexecutive

 (Please file in the Executive Reports sub-directory / A déposer dans le sous-répertoire des rapports exécutifs )

a) President /Président (Stan)

b) Vice-President/Vice-président (Pierre)

c) Treasurer/Trésorier (Deb)

i) ACTION: Stan will put together a business case for adding an additional day to the IT AGM

d) Steering Committee & Secretary/Comité directeur et Secrétaire (Tony)

e) Bargaining / Négociations (Rob/JP)

Motion: Move to a closed session

Moved by: Rob Scott                      Seconded by: Lucille Shears


A discussion took place regarding the latest tentative agreement news

Motion: End closed session

Moved by: Patricia Williams         Seconded by: Rob Scott


f)  NOC/ROC- Mobilization / CNO/ROC- Mobilisation (Gordon)  

i) ACTION: Setup a meeting the afternoon of February 2 for NOC/ROC discussions between Stan, Pierre, Gord, and Lucille                       

g)  Communications (Tony)

h)  Subgroup Officer/Agent de sous groupe (Lucille)

i) ACTION: Lucille requests Executive members send her their ideas for the Subgroup Presidents Meeting

ii) ACTION: Pierre to send a list of promotional items to the Executive for them to decide what to order for the Subgroup Presidents Meeting

i)  Steward Officer / Agent de délégués syndicaux (Tamara)

i)  ACTION: Tamara will verify years of steward service with PIPSC staff for accuracy to ensure no service pins are missed

ii) ACTION: Tamara will ask the National Steward Officer to give a half hour update on the new steward framework at the next Executive meeting

j)  Membership Officer / Agente de membership (Patricia)

k) Labour Relation & Consultation Officer & Contracting Out Officer / Agente des relations de travail et de consultation et Agente chargée de la sous-traitance  (Yvonne)

i) ITYPC (Jordan/Karim)

i) ACTION: Jordan will send new ITYPC applications to the Executive for their review

8)  Other business & Roundtable / Autres affaires et table ronde

a)  ACTION: Add SSC’s new Cloud responsibilities as a WGC agenda item and members should bring what they hear to the next Executive meeting

9)  Next meeting / Prochaine réunion

10) Adjournment / Ajournement

                Motion: To adjourn

                Moved by: Tamara Critch             Seconded by: Jordan Loverock
