Congratulations to the CS Group on celebrating its 50th Anniversary on March 11, 2019.

The CS Group broke new ground in 1991 when it became the first PIPSC group of more than 4,000 members to go on strike and to push for the development of a Strike Fund.  They received much attention from national media, but were ordered back to work and had a settlement imposed.

CS members deliv­er high-quality services and programs that meet the needs of federal organizations and ensure sound stewardship on behalf of Canadians.

Some 16,000 computer specialists aid in all systems, including: transportation, border security, defence, weather forecasts, and national information systems. They safeguard Can­adians’ confidential information and protect crucial government systems from threats from hackers and viruses.

These professionals are devoted to serving Canadians and protecting our identity by putting the public interest first – securely and efficiently.

As CS members look back on their first 50 years, they can be justifiably proud of the commitment and determination they have always shown in overcoming the numerous obstacles that have confronted them over the years.

The Institute and the CS Group continue to stand up for our members, to do everything in our power to protect their hard-earned rights, and to ensure that their valuable contributions are recognized by their respective employers and appreciated by Canadians from coast-to-coast.

The CS Group has come a long way since 1969, in large part because its members have stood together through challenging times.

May they take pride in their accomplishments and be encouraged to face the challenges of the future with renewed energy and commitment.