CS Executive Meeting,

8 February, 2019

Draft Minutes


Present:  Stan, Pierre, Stacy, Deb, Yvonne, Dean, Guy, Rob, Eva, Karim, Lucille, Tony, Robert


  1. Welcome
  2. Adoption of Agenda Moved by Stacy Second by Deb, carried as amended
  3. Approval of Minutes of Last meeting(s).  Moved by Stacy, Second by Robert Carried
  4. Business Arising from the minutes/Action Items Went over action log and updated
  5. New business
    1. CS AGM – Stacy
      1. Proposal for Evening events at Human Rights museum

Discussion of the event happened.  The AFS has agreed to do this

We have to make sure our delegates are in Winnipeg before 5:30 pm to participate.

Discussion on menu for the event, suggest the committee take care of this.  Food stations would be better rather than sit-down dinner.

Question of sit down meal instead of standing up at the taller tables.

Timing issues for overlapping agenda items

Suggesting that we front end all the presentations

Call for suggestions/questions for after the meeting can be sent to the committee.


ACTION ITEM: Stan and one or two committee members to discuss with Doug Mason about the Friday night event.


Motion:  That the CS Group spend up to $10 000 for the Friday evening networking event at the Human Rights Museum at the CS AGM.

Moved by Deb second by Guy.  Carried

      1. Call for delegates notice

Denise to contact BCD Travel to make sure that delegates arrive before 4 pm on the Friday night.

ACTION ITEM Rob to look at the subgroup in Winnipeg to see if there are any RCMP members to invite RCMP observers to CS AGM

ACTION ITEM Karim to follow up with informatics about CS Group distribution list contains RCMP CS members

ACTION ITEM Robert to send welcome for rcmp at AGM as an agenda item.



    1. New lead for Electoral Reform Committee – Pierre

Suggestion of change of lead for Electoral reform.  Pierre suggested that the lead for this committee be Guy. 

Motion:  That Guy Abel be named to lead the Electoral Reform Committee. Moved by Pierre, Second by Stacy  Carried with two abstensions. 


    1. Contracting out “quotes of the week” – Eva

Eva brought up that the quotes from the contracting out action plan be included in each session

Eva to select quotes of the session and provide to NOC


    1. Promotion of CS employees to the Employer – Karim

How are we going to promote employees to the employer.  Feature different CSs to give depts.

ACTION ITEM Karim to prepare a pilot profile for Newsletter


    1. Funding lunch and learns / engagement events – Karim

To be discussed at NOC Meeting 9 Feb, 2019

    1. CS Executive Handbook – Yvonne –

Yvonne began a presentation of her updated version of the handbook.  Discussion was had on changes proposed and how in depth it should be.

ACTION ITEM:  Guy and Yvonne to send out amended handbook to executive for review

    1. Member participation in NOC/ROC & other group work – Yvonne

Yvonne presented a suggestion to proprogation of short soundbytes on the cs group youtube.

Suggestion that we look to outside of the executive for organizing work.  Recommendation to really utilize existing structure but there is no reason we can’t ask for outside help.

    1. Professionals Canada consultation - Dean/Stan

Discussion – Debi and Eddie Gillis came to the AC to discuss next steps and way forward for Consulting.  Point was made that it was interpreted that the AC would be the group that would form the taskforce to consult and address the issues that were brought to the AC.

The most effected groups would be consulted and that the full CS Executive needs to happen directly.  The issue with the taskforce was that it will have to have members with interest based ideals that might not be on the taskforce when they are needed.

A special AC is being held Feb 16 to start the process of collecting the issues with professionals Canada.  The taskforce will come up with a report to be returned to the AC for the August meeting.

Stan had teleconference with Eddie about Professionals Canada and the taskforce.  There seems to be philosophical difference between Stan and Eddie.

Seems to be counter to the campaigns noted from CLC and others.


    1. Subgroup Presidents’ meeting – Rob

We were approved to go to Halifax.  Discussion that we have Lunch and Learns and member event on Friday ACTION ITEMS- rob to do.  One suggestion is that the Executive begin their executive meeting on the Sunday.

Ideas to Rob via email for agenda items.


    1. Newsletter feedback – Tony

Did receive positive feedback but did receive a couple of emails of negative feedback.  Suggestion that using the negative feedback to offer positive responses to the negative.

    1. Election committee – Guy

Notice for nominations for CS Group Elections has been put out on the webpage.

    1. Timing of Portfolio Distribution – Yvonne

Proposition of having a half day executive to designate portfolios for the executive.  Discussion was had and pros and cons were discussed


  1. Executive reports/Activities d’executive
    1. President (Stan)
    2. Vice-President (Pierre)
    3. Treasurer / Trésorière (Deb)

Treasurer report – gives what is going to be presented at the AGM in June.  We overspent on some budget lines


ACTION ITEM:  Executive to send portfolio budgets to Treasurer.

    1. Steering Committee/Secretary

No report

    1. Bargaining / Negotiations (Robert/Denise)

Move to closed session m Robert, second by Rob

Moved out of closed session. M-Robert, S-Stacy

    1. NOC/ROC & Mobilization (Pierre)

Pierre presented the report that we discussed the NOC revival that was discussed about the training and explaining the NOC structure.


    1. Communications (Tony)


    1. Subgroup officer (Rob)
    2. Steward officer (Guy)
    3. Membership Officer (Stacy)
    4. Labour Relation & Consultation Officer (Dean)
    5. Classification (Pierre)

ACTION ITEM Pierre to draft a flash about the IT classification

    1. Contracting out Officer (Eva)

Next week the COAT is meeting with the staff and the MOAT



  1. Other business/Round table

Distribution of the bags and the storage of them here at PIPSC is difficult.

ACTION ITEM Tony to look into storage


Motion To increase the number of members in small subgroups up to 300 members who could access the $500 grant from the CS Group Executive.  Moved by Guy, Second Eva.  Carried


CS and Employer proposals are on the PIPSC webpage


ACTION ITEM Team drive done

Suggestion that the Sunday of the Subgroup President meeting, the executive do a team building exercise. ACTION ITEM Eva to look into this activity.


  1. Next meeting Monday April 1, 2019