February 19 2020 / 9:00 am / 250 Trembley


Stan Buday, Pierre Touchette, Deb Butler, Stacy McLaren, Patricia Williams, Rob Scott, Robert Tellier, Eva Henshaw, Lucille Shears, Karim Chaggani, Tony Goddard, Yvonne Snaddon, Gordon Bulmer


Staff:  Denise Doherty Delorme


1. Welcome

Stan called the meeting to order at 9:15 and welcomed the entire exec to the meeting. 

2. Adoption of Agenda

Moved by Gordon seconded by Tony carried

3. Approval of Minutes of Last meeting(s).

Moved by Gordon seconded by Stacy carried

4. Business Arising from the minutes/Action Items

  1. Welcome pamphlet for new CS members (Stacy/Yvonne) - distribution and access is still unknown, Pierre raised the issue that current members picture might not be the best.  Denise mentioned that the cheat sheet for the Collective agreement is also available .
  2. Yvonne- action item to follow up with consultation presidents re essential services - completed
  3. Karim to look into a better licence agreement for Word for the members of the Exec - online licencing is the best deal going forward - closed
  4. Backpacks delivered (all regions) - ongoing   Moved by Karim seconded by Pat to drop this activity and give out the remaining items at the AGM - discussed - defeated   left overs will be brought to the meeting on saturday.
  5. Develop steward activity report card for use at regional steward councils (Pat) - completed will be sent to the executive for review by email

5. New business

  1. Sub-Group Exec issues - Eva - Closed Session -   Open session - ongoing support of any subgroup dealing with issues will be a priority of the sub group officer and the members of the executive from that region.    Moved by Stan seconded by pierre to create a Sub - group support committee -  discussed  - Carried -   members (Rob, lucil, yvonne, tony‚
  2. Sub-Group Dissolution - Rob - moved by rob seconded by stacy to dissolve the Montreal East sub group - discussed - carried
  3. Atlantic Resolution support for AGM - Eva - Atlantic region would like the support of the CS group on a resolution to limit the number of VP positions to 2 full time only.  Discussed a need for more information on this before.  
  4. Subgroup Presidents Meeting - Rob - A review of the agenda, games night.  Hospitality for the games room moved by moved by stacey seconded by Rob to provide bar service in the games room for a total of 1500$ discussed - carried
  5. COAT Campaign  - Eva - gave an update on the various processes and steps of the outstanding campaign.  Moved by Eva seconded by Karim to have Eva look into the purchasing of a Shame Award total cost no more than 150$ discussed - carried
  6. CS AGM - suggestions for speakers,
    1. Networking - friday night before the AGM suggestions, the idea of an improv group
    2. Speaker - stacey needs suggestions
    3. Delegates -
    4. Thank you dinner - thursday before the CS agm is agreed


  1. PIPSC AGM - we have 77 seats and we need to be aware of dates
  2. CLC Convention - delegates have been selected notices to come out soon

6. Executive reports/Activities d’executive tabled reports on the google drive

a. President (Stan)

b. Vice-President (Pierre) -

c. Treasurer / Trésorière (Deb) -

d. Steering Committee/Secretary -

e. Bargaining / Negotiations (Robert/Denise) closed session (moved by Robert seconded by Stan that the CS Exec allow the Bargaining team to explore the use of the contracting out grievances as a bargaining chip - discussed - defeated )

f. NOC/ROC- Mobilization (Pierre) -

g. Communications (Tony) -

h. Subgroup officer (Rob)

i. Steward officer (Patricia)

j. Membership Officer (Stacy)

k. Labour Relation & Consultation Officer (Yvonne)

l. Classification (Karim/Lucille) - Karim and Lucille gave an update on the ongoing work and the need for training.

m. Contracting out Officer (Eva) -

7. Other business/Roundtable


8. Next meeting

  • April 3 2020




  • Content of CS web page as item for the planning meeting
  • Pat to send links for welcome sheet and the collective agreement cheat sheet