Your CFIA-S&A collective agreement expired on September 30, 2022. Since then, your bargaining team has been meeting and preparing for the upcoming round of negotiations. 

In the second half of November, we’ll send you the CFIA-S&A bargaining survey. Please put some time aside to complete the survey to ensure that your bargaining team can advocate for your priorities. 

The bargaining survey and other updates will be sent to your personal email address on file with PIPSC. If you are unsure if we have your correct email address, please update your contact information.

Once we receive the survey results, your bargaining committee will use your feedback to develop proposals. We are committed to keeping you informed as we progress and will provide you with regular updates.

Your bargaining team members:

  • Frederick Jamieson – Team President
  • Timothy Anderson 
  • Hugo Fréchette
  • Hussein Hussein
  • Michael James Ronald Langlet
  • Terry Petrow
  • Zeljko Ruzicic

The bargaining team will also be hosting focus groups for members in the new year to give you the opportunity to share your thoughts on issues that will come up in bargaining.   

If you have any questions about the bargaining process, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at


In solidarity, 

Frederick Jamieson
CFIA-S&A President, PIPSC
On behalf of the CFIA-S&A Bargaining Team