The Montreal PIPSC AV Sub-Group will be holding its AGM on Thursday, June 13, 2019 at 17:00pm at L’Académie, 2100 Crescent St, Montreal, QC H3G 2B8.

Only members who register will have their supper and two drinks paid for. To register, please send a confirmation email to the following email address no later than Friday, May 31:

Note: We confirm the number of meals to the restaurant based on the number of members who register to attend. People who register but don't show up, cost us money. In case of cancellation, please contact us via the same email address, no later than Friday, June 7.

Attached you will find the following documents:

Minutes of the 2018 AGM

Constitution and By-Laws ("Amendments")


  1. Call to Order
  2. Approval of the Agenda
  3. Approval of the Minutes of the 2018 AGM
  4. Related questions from the Minutes of the 2018 AGM
  5. Introduction of the invited guests
  • Me Frédéric Durso, Employment Relations Officer
  • Peter Gabriel, President for the AV Group and Bargaining Team
  • James Bright, AV Group V-P and member of the Bargaining Team
  • Andrée Doucet, AV Group Secretary and member of the Bargaining Team
  1. Report of the President – Yanick Poulin
  2. Annual Financial Report – Shemin Mawji
  3. Adoption of the budget for 2019
  4. Report of the Election Committee
  5. Elections
  • Treasurer (2 year term)
  • Secretary (2 year term)
  • Members at Large (2 year term)
  1. New Business and By-Laws Amendments
  2. Speech by Me Frédéric Durso
  3. Updates from Peter Gabriel, James Bright and Andrée Doucet
  4. Question period and comments
  5. Concluding Remarks and Adjournment

2018 AGM Minutes

For prior reading only, the adoption will be held at the AGM.

Please see attached document.

Constitution and By-Laws

You will find enclosed the proposed modifications to our constitution and By-Laws. The proposed modifications has been clearly identified and highlighted. There are changes to adhere to the National By-Laws and Policies, or references to those By-Laws. These new By-Laws will be submitted to a vote of ratification at the AGM.

Election 2019 - Call for Nominations

In accordance with the By-Laws of the Montreal AV Sub-Group, please note that the following positions will be filled by election vote at the 2019 AGM:

  • Treasurer position (two year term)
  • Secretary position (two year term); and
  • Member-at-Large positions (two year term)

Role of Treasurer:

The Treasurer shall maintain the financial records of the Sub-Group as required by Institute policy, prepare a financial report for each meeting of the Sub-Group Executive and each General Meeting of the Sub-Group, submit a detailed financial statement to the Institute as required, and prepare the request for the annual allowance of the Sub-Group. Copies of the financial report shall be available to all Sub-Group members.

Role of Secretary:

The Secretary shall be responsible for sending notices of and keeping records of all meetings of the Sub-Group and the Sub-Group Executive for the period required by Institute policy, and shall ensure that a copy of minutes is filed with the Institute. The Secretary shall also be responsible for submitting reports as required by the relevant Institute and Group By-Laws and Constitutions.

Role of Member-at-Large:

Each Member-At-Large will perform such duties as may be assigned by the Executive.

Note: The best way to submit one’s name as a candidate is always to be there at the time of the election. However, a member in good standing who expects to be absent may apply in writing, by submitting his/her interest in occupying the position to which his/her nomination refers. To do so, an email must be sent to the Elections Committee (Yanick Poulin at or Evangelia Costamis at before the AGM is being held.