Hello dear members,

A tentative agreement was reach on September 16th 2023 following bargaining of the new collective agreement between the AFS group and CRA.

You are invited to attend a town hall given by Mr. Jean Couillard, Quebec’s regional representative for the AFS group (cofee will be provided):

Where : Montreal TSO, 305 René-Levesque Ouest

When : October 26th, 2023

Please RSVP by writting an e-mail, identify which session you want to attend, to the following email adress (places are limited) : RonaldR.Petion@cra-arc.gc.ca.

Three sessions to atend at rooms 926, 927 and 928:

08h45 to 10h30 French session  
               (lien Zoom : https://pipsc.zoom.us/j/92390642746?pwd=RFBuN1BwUG8rSFAreEYzRnF1SXNtZz09 )

10h45 to 12h30 English session
               (lien Zoom :https://pipsc.zoom.us/j/93447030807?pwd=Q2svS2RDVzEwOGRnSTJZQlhKVmJ2UT09)

13h30 to 15h15 French session
               (lien Zoom : https://pipsc.zoom.us/j/95837259929?pwd=c3BjODFBWEtUcnF4L0lsMFRCT0lEUT09)


Prepare your questions.

Thank you and have a nice day !

Your executive,

Patrick Tsie8ei (Sioui), President Montreal AFS sub-group

Renée Boudreau, Vice-President Criminal investigations AFS sub-group