
Topic and Discussion


  1. Call to order

It was agreed that there was a quorum of the Sub-Group Executive and Andra called the meeting to order at 5:40 PM.

Attending in Person:  Abraham Garcia, Andra Weis, James Armstrong, Daryl Boychuk, Audrey Wojcik, Art Iwinski, Tabitha Fuller

Regrets: Brian Busby, Louise Lepore, Nitin Chowdhary

A tentative agenda was circulated electronically before the meeting.

Andra Weis

  1. Approval of Agenda Items

The following tentative agenda was included with the meeting invitation via email on March 25, 2024:

  1. Financial Report
  2. AGM
  3. Discuss outreach - possibly in June
  4. UMA sessions - volunteers needed
  5. Clothing
  6. Secretary position

Art Iwinski moved a motion to approve the agenda. The motion was seconded by Audrey Wojcik.

Motion carried.

Art Iwinski

  1. Minutes from the Prior Meeting

Art Iwinski moved to approve the minutes of the January 23, 2024, Sub-Group Executive meeting (seconded by Tabitha Fuller).

 Motion carried.

Art Iwinski

  1. Secretary Position

Andra Weis noted that since the resignation of Patrick McIver, the Secretary position has been vacant.

Andra asked if any Executive member would be willing to act as the Sub-Group secretary until the next election.

Audrey Wojcik made a motion that Daryl Boychuk be nominated as secretary, seconded by Andra Weis.

Motion carried.

Daryl Boychuk formally accepted the invitation to assume the secretary position.

Andra Weis

  1. Financial Report

from the Treasurer

The Sub-Group Executive Treasurer, James Armstrong, summarized the financial position of the Sub-Group. James advised that there have been no deposits or disbursements in our bank account since our last meeting. Some interest has accrued on the account.  


The AFS Sub-Group is in good financial shape to cover any planned expenses in the short term.


James made a motion seconded by Art Iwinski to approve the 2023 Financial Statement


Motion carried.


James will submit the 2023 AFS Sub-Group Financial Statements to PIPSC along with the minutes of this meeting approving the 2023 Financial Statement – it is expected that PIPSC will give us our 2024 allotment.

James Armstrong

  1. Headquarters Regional AFS Representative - Remarks

Abraham Garcia, the HQ AFS regional representative, attended the meeting and provided the group with an update on various matters including the need to attract new stewards and active union members – Abraham reminded us that he would be happy to assist us in encouraging PIPSC officials to attend Sub-Group outreach activities.

The members of the Sub-Group Executive agreed that we should work together to recruit new stewards. It is our understanding that there should be 1 steward for every 10 union employees and the numbers are far short of that. In addition, we need more stewards with the capacity to communicate in both official languages. One of the options discussed by the Sub-group Executive was to approach other union members and colleagues directly to discuss the benefits of becoming a steward.

Abraham Garcia

  1. UMA sessions

Andra led a discussion on the UMA sessions that were presented in January and February. She noted that facilitators, especially those fluent in French, are needed.


Andra noted that any steward (new or old) who has not had the training is required to attend one of these sessions.


Once a steward has taken the course, that steward can act as a facilitator.


Andra Weis

  1. AGM 2024 Planning

Audrey Wojcik confirmed that the location/venue for the 2024 Sub-Group AGM has been reserved – the Prescott on Preston Avenue. The date of the AGM is Thursday, October 24, 2024. The Prescott should accommodate up to 75 people.


For the upcoming elections, the Sub-Group agreed that:  


  • the notice of the AGM will be posted through PIPSC before the end of August/2024;


  • the notice of the AGM will indicate the list of vacant positions and their associated terms (i.e. one or two years);


  • the election committee will not include current members of the Executive with the result that the Sub-group Executive will recruit volunteers from current and retired members to ensure impartiality; and


  • it will reach out to Jenni Esnard at PIPSC to assist in ensuring that the election meets PIPSC standards.


Audrey Wojcik

  1. Executive Members

The Sub-Group Executive discussed the possibility of filling any unfilled positions. Currently, the Sub-Group has two members less than the maximum allowed.


Recruitment discussed – various options were considered, including outreach activities. 



  1. Round Table

Discussed problems that employees are facing under the CRA return-to-work mandate so that employees' concerns can be brought to the attention of management in union-management meetings.


Discussed PIPSCs branded shirts and other items that have been ordered – Audrey indicated that they are expected to be delivered this week.



  1. Adjournment

The date of the next Sub-Group Executive meeting was not set. We will await the return of our President, Brian Busby, before setting a date. The preference of the group is to use the offices at the PIPSC Head Office at 250 Tremblay.


The meeting adjourned at 6:50 pm.