AFS HQ Subgroup Executive Meeting Minutes

At Royal Oak Restaurant, Bank and Gloucester Street, Ottawa

April 6, 2017

In Attendance: Brian Hassall, Ian Tait, Zul Nanji, Allan Laaksonen, Susan Amog-Hassall, Abraham Garcia, Domingo Chavez, Muhammad Alam, Nick Watson, Art Iwinski, Art McKenzie


Agenda / Item / Discussion

Call to Order

Quorum was achieved and Brian Hassall called the meeting to order at 5:05. Brian welcomed all the members.

Adoption of Agenda

Motion to approve agenda by Brian Hassall. Seconded by Allan Laaksonen.  Agenda approved.

Approval of previous minutes

The November 2nd meeting minutes were reviewed and discussed.
Motion to approve by Brian Hassall. Seconded by Abraham Garcia. The minutes were approved.

Old Business Arising from prior meeting

None –

New Business

Financial report

The treasurer Zul Nanji a stated that we are in good financial standing.
A copy of the financial statements will be sent out once completed for each month transactions.

Zul Nanji


AFS HQ Regional Representative update

Ian Tait

All non – monetary items have been dealt with.
There has been no change to the employer’s offer of 1.25% over 4 years.

Phoenix Update
Ian has been very busy with Phoenix Issues and has been working almost full time to address them. There still are many problems.

Volunteer to Personal Day grievances
The PIPSC AFS Group has succeeded at the PSLREB. CRA is now discussing implementation with PIPSC Legal Counsel.
The proposed sick leave regime is a work in process involving all federal public service unions.
Ian encourages all members to access the AFS website for the Group’s newsletter and other items of interest.

President’s Report

Brian thanked Ian for all his hard work.
Brian attended UMCs. Anyone having issues that should be brought up should contact him.


There will be a steward caucas at the Regional Council.

PIPSC has a new ERO for handling the HQ CRA file. Her name is Laura Ross who deals with the Canada Revenue Agency (all AFS members other than CS members)

Bill C-27 opposition rallies are planned. Brian explained that Bill C-27 although not impacting federal civil servants directly allows crown corporations to make changes to defined benefit pension plans and make them defined contribution plans where the employees bear the risk of the pension investments. It is retroactive as well. If permitted in crown corporations this could come to the federal civil service eventually. PIPSC is asking its members to contact their MPs and ask that the bill be withdrawn.

Brian reminded that the OCB, (Ottawa Centreville Branch) will have an AGM June 15th and the notice will be going up in May.

Round Table

Zul will look at promotional material. This will be discussed further in the future.


Motion to adjourn

Motion to adjourn by Brian. Seconded by Zul.
Meeting adjourned at 6:25

Next meeting

An email will be sent out determining availability at a location and time to be determined. The tentative date is Thursday May 25th for the next meeting.