Date:               March 15, 2022.

Location:         ZOOM Meeting.

Present:           Abraham Garcia, Andra Weis, Nick Watson, April Chen, Michael Patterson, Jyoti Tanotra, Art Iwinski.



Regrets:           Chris Patterson, Michael Kenny, two vacant positions.






Call to Order


Abraham announced quorum and called the meeting to order at 5:02 p.m.  He informed all present that the “former” AFS HQ (NCR) Sub-Group Executive remains in office until the new election takes place as per the letter from the PIPSC National Elections Committee.  Abraham then welcomed the “former” Subgroup Executives, going forward to be referred to as “the” Subgroup Executives.



Approval of Agenda

Abraham explained the main purpose of the meeting and presented the Agenda to all present in the Zoom meeting.

He inquired if any members of the executive would like to add anything. The executive agreed on the Agenda as proposed by Abraham.


Art put the motion to approve the Agenda as is, seconded by Andra. Motion carried.




Minutes from the October 29, 2021 AFS-SG HQ-Executive Meeting was discussed and approved. Motion by Andra, seconded by Nick. Motion carried.


As the PIPSC National Elections committee has ruled that the Subgroup Election of December 8, 2021, to be invalid, the Minutes of the Exec Meeting on January 26, 2022, are irrelevant.


Abraham/ All

Elections Committee Letter

The Elections Committee Letter dated March 2, 2022, was presented by Abraham. It has been posted on the PIPSC website for all union members for their information.




The Subgroup Executives discussed the suggestions made by the PIPSC National Elections Committee.  Items that would affect the next election are timing, budget, pandemic restrictions, members who have retired, Subgroup By-laws and other challenges to the election should the Subgroup Execs follow the National Elections Committee’s suggestions. It was determined that if we followed the suggestions made by the PIPSC National Elections Committee it would result in additional election issues equal to, or greater than, the issues that invalidated the last election.


Based on the concerns identified, all agreed that it only makes sense to have the next election as a regular AGM, open to all members, rather than trying to re-do the previous AGM.  As there is only a short period of time until the next AGM would normally occur in the fall, and after much discussion, Art put the motion to accept the election being held at the AGM in the Fall.  Seconded by Nick. Motion passed.


Other details of the Elections will be discussed at the next meeting in April.


Abraham/ All


Art confirmed that he continues as a Secretary of the SG till the next Election.



Vacant Executive Positions

Due to the retirement of a few members of the AFS-SG HQ-Executives, Abraham suggested approaching the members who would be interested to take the vacant positions in the SG.


Interested members should send an email to Abraham and Art with a short note of their interests. Their candidacy will be discussed at the next SG meeting in April.



Financial Report

Nick explained the current financial situation. Highlighting that there was not much expenditure the past year due to the Covid-19. In general, SG is in very good financial shape. Financials will be provided to all members before the end of the month.   The executives are to approve the draft 2021 Financials electronically.  After which, a copy will be sent to PIPSC Finance to request Subgroup allotment for this year.



Round Table

All agreed to have the next SG meeting on April 05.

Location TBD.




April moved and Michael seconded for the meeting to be adjourned. Meeting adjourned at 6:05 p.m.


April/ Michael