PIPSC Science Advisory Committee

Minutes - December 6 2019


To Dos for this SAC from Dec 6 2019 Meeting


  1. Collect 3 M public opinion data on science, Circulate to members of the committee and introduce it to the new committee. (Michael)
  2. Revise Issue note on “Government Air Travel and options for PIPSC to Reduce the Impacts” (Patrick and Alex)
  3. Prepare Briefing Note to the Board on Motion of the SAC on Climate Change (Norma)
  4. Exit Interview with friend who left the committee. (Jean)
  5. Connect with Karen on WIS Mentorship Micro Project (Yvonne)
  6. The SAC should revisit the recommendations for action that the board approved on women and science and look at how the gaps were filled  by the learning lab and what still needed to be actioned. (Next SAC)
  7. Draw the attention of next SAC Chair and Committee to Motion’s 1 and 2 passed by the Committee (Michael)
  8. Who was invited to the learning lab and when? (Yvonne)
  9. Connect with Karen on Women and Science Mentorship project she wants to see Transport Linked into the Mentorship program. (Yvonne)
  10. Communicate with Karen on Consultation in January and develop list of AI projects from Buy and Sell. 


  1. Opening and Roll Call


Jean Berube, Chair

Patrick Cherneski, Member

Steve Cui, Member

Norma Domey, Board of Directors Liaison

Karen Hall, Member

Michael Pauley, Member


  1. Adoption of the Agenda


The Chair opened the meeting with a few words of remembrance of the Victims of the Ecole Polytechnique Massacre on Dec 6 1989. The agenda was adopted without amendments.


  1. Action items from September 30 2019 Meeting
    1. With a view towards preparing a submission to the board of directors
      1. Norma will request more data from the Foundation
        • Norma reported that some information was obtained but that she was still waiting for further information.  
      2. Karen will send a letter to science groups to add funds for the foundation Science Fellowships


  1. Patrick would prepare a briefing note on climate change and PIPSC travel policy and impacts
    1. Complete.
    2. Patrick presented a Draft Issue note - “Government Air Travel and Options for PIPSC to Reduce the Impacts”  During discussion of the note, Patrick offered to prepare a revised note that further addressed the motions that passed as a result of discussion of his note. 


Motion 1 - PIPSC’s Carbon Footprint 


Acknowledging that PIPSC published results of a survey of its Science and Research members which identified that 95% of scientists and researchers in the federal government believe climate change is an emergency that requires immediate action. 


The SAC recommends: 


  1. that the Board of Directors of PIPSC acknowledge that the world is facing a climate emergency and requires immediate and urgent action by all actors;  
  2. that the Board of Directors, as part of the PIPSC Strategic Plan, identify a clear and effective governance model for this climate emergency and establish and maintain effective and meaningful national engagement.  
  3. PIPSC, through the COO/ES identify its current (2019) carbon footprint and identify a target for reductions and action plan to reach this target; and
  4. PIPSC immediately reduce its carbon footprint by reducing the GHG emissions associated with the Board of Directors and its Committees 


Adopted Unanimously Dec 6 2019, Moved by Karen Hall.


Motion 2 - SAC Meetings and Remote Participation


The SAC commits to in 2020 and going forward, 


  1. that one of the 4 regular in-person regular meetings would be conducted by remote means (telepresence, google chat or what ever works), with a view toward reducing its carbon footprint. 
  2. The SAC will calculate the GHG emissions reduced through this effort.
  3. The GHG emissions reductions will be reported to the AGM in the SAC report. .  


Adopted Unanimously Dec 6 2019, Moved by Patrick Cherneski. 


  1. Review of SAC plan (M Urminsky)
  • Michael provided an update on the new Strategic and Operation plan and the fact that it was submitted to the board of directors. Last minute additions included modest additions with respect to climate change and artificial intelligence. 


  1. Discussion Roles and Responsibilities of SAC Members and Friends
  • The SAC held a discussion on roles and responsibilities of SAC members and Friends, this was the result of recent comments by some members of the committee that they had hoped for a more active role in different activities of the SAC.  But also sparked by frustration of friends of the committee, one of whom resigned.  
  • Issues identified included
    • Liaison role with other parts of PIPSC such as the Working Group on Consultation, Group Executives, the Presidents Office.  The liaison role that members have or should have means they should be communicating SAC activities to groups and different committees  they are part of and also communicate information from groups and other parts of PIPSC back to SAC. 
    • One member thought coming up with guidelines for roles would be a good idea to ensure SAC could be a channel for local level issues.  He liked the idea of holding a conference call with stewards in his region as a way to find out what is happening or to communicate issues. He wondered if there is a role for the regional offices in facilitating these calls with stewards. 
    • Felt like issues discussed were not relevant to scientists not part of federal government. Was open to liaising with provincial scientists.  Suspected biggest issue would be professional developments and mandatory report on professional development (ENG). 
    • Allocating members to a sub-portfolio could be useful if there is interest and expertise, as this could provide a lead for the work and maximize committee expertise. However, there is a risk that if you allocate a portfolio to one person, other members may take a step back, as committee members come-and-go the experience on the committee varies and may not necessarily line up with the current portfolios, and there is a challenge of continuity if the person with the expertise leaves the committee and is not replaced. 
    • Perhaps at the beginning of each year,  a compromise between what we discussed and around the table.  Concentrate on communicating that they are supposed to communicate back and touch back to the groups we are representing back
    • Ensuring that at each meeting, each committee needs to bring back concrete concerns.  This rather than assign portfolios to everyone. Because of differences between years, and departmental differences.  Need to strengthen communication.  
    • Direct portfolios can cause direct conflict. 
    • Arguments in favour of assigning portfolios to members of the committee.  It was suggested that there would be more delivery and that it gives the person a reason to be active.  


6. Update on Existing SAC Plan


  1. Women and science - Yvonne

Yvonne James provided a full presentation on the Women and Science Project. 

A request for what was covered by the learning lab from the 4 recommendations that were approved by the board of directors.  

  1. Science integrity Implementation
  2. Education & Training 
  3. Artificial Intelligence


7. Scholarships and Foundation - discussion


  • Postponed discussion till the next SAC. 


8. Year end summary - good and bad



  • In his first year on the committee he was impressed by the strategic plan
  • Thinks the scope of the plan exceeds the resources available
  • Wanted to engage more on issues in his areas of expertise
  • Recent surveys released by PIPSC were well done, good to see one on climate change
  • The recent shift to google online access to our meeting docs is a good idea, and is working, but there are still issues that need to be resolved
  • Challenges: AI is an important file with significant implications; suggest doing an annual benefit-cost analysis of SAC activities to help inform future planning and prioritization



  • Saw of possibilities on convergence between SAC and Consultation.
  • WIS and SI are amazing
  • Gender analysis +  was an achievement
  • Challenge: tracking our objectives and our goals and achievements


Michael Pauley

  • Good to have a separate employeur on the SAC
  • Shown a lot of leadership like the motions on Climate Change
  • Challenge: don't get too much on your plate



  • First year, a lot to learn, the union perspective on science
  • Our science should be more available for the public, PIPSC should more forceful in the spreading of our science, benefits of our research
  • Challenges: declining public support for scientists



  • WIS is ready to fly on its own, a great spin off
  • Roles of SAC members was a great discussion



  • Productive committee, our new strategic plan
  • Keeps us informed about what is going on
  • Keeps me on top as a steward
  • Challenge: more SAC committee members engagement in the Strategic Plan building
  • SAC activities, strategic plan and science are not easy to find on the PIPSC web site.  For example it is impossible to find the Women in Science web page.
  • Staff should come more often to present at the SAC to keep us abreast of developments