DECEMBER 4TH 2017 - 9:00 a.m.

Members in attendance:
Jean Bérubé        SAC President, NRcan
Richard Winder     SAC member, NRCan
Michael A. Forbes    SAC member, Retired, Environment and Climate Change Canada
Susan O`Donnell     SAC member, National Research Council
Norma Domey        SAC member, Environment and Climate Change Canada, National Wildlife Research Centre
Robert MacDonald      Board Liaison, Transport Canada
Philip A. Blagden    Friend of the committee, Health Canada

Staff resource: Maxime Gingras, PIPSC Research Officer

Staff in attendance:
Catherine Wright, PIPSC Labour Relations Associate
Michael Urminsky, PIPSC Research Lead

1.    Call to Order - Chair
•    Meeting called to order at 9:00 AM

2.    Discussion on Agenda - All
•    A new agenda item was added pertaining to transition for new committee.

3.    Adoption of Agenda - Chair
•    Agenda adopted by members with modifications.

4.    Approval of minutes of previous meeting - All
•    Some modifications were flagged. Minutes were subsequently approved by the committee.

5.    Business arising from previous meeting -  All

PREVOUS (AI) - Max to get SAC minutes translated and posted

•    Minutes were translated and posted on

PREVIOUS (AI) – SAC to ask Debi to write to TBS and IB asking to hold open houses presenting Scientific Integrity to the public and CC the Chief Science Advisor

•    A letter was sent from Debi to the CSA regarding upcoming scientific integrity policies.
•    This has resulted in the CSA contacting SBDA’s on all communications policies and progress on scientific integrity.
•    Members expressed views of departments being unclear on policy changes.

NEW (AI) – SAC to try and obtain the level transparency and communication with which departments have been informing staff of the changes on scientific integrity.

PREVIOUS (AI) – Women in Science to bring a plan to the next SAC meeting as to where the initiative is headed and what will be the next phase.
•    Catherine Wright will be calling-in at 9:30.

PREVIOUS (AI) - Catherine Wright will distribute a quick note about the upcoming WiS report for the SAC to comment on.
•    Provided to members in their meeting binder.

PREVIOUS (AI) – SAC to recommend to the President that a letter be sent to the CSA to inform her of the agreement on Scientific Integrity.
•    Completed.

PREVOUS (AI) – Max to continue drafting the memo on Artificial Intelligence and report back to SAC on the development of such memo. The goal is to have it ready so consultation teams can start asking questions at their quarterly meetings.
•    ONGOING.  Carried forward.

NEW (AI) – Max to continue drafting the memo on Artificial Intelligence and report back to SAC on the development of such memo. The goal is to have it ready so consultation teams can start asking questions at their quarterly meetings.

PREVIOUS (AI) – Rob will follow-up to find the best avenue at PIPSC in order to address erosion of PC jobs to EC and EG classifications.

•    Rob sent a few emails and never got responses, will follow-up.

NEW (AI) – Rob will follow-up on unanswered email from stakeholders at PIPSC regarding erosion of PC jobs to EC and EG classifications.

PREVIOUS (AI) – Richard to forward the manual to SAC members for the committee to review at our next meeting.
•    Done. Will be discussed later during the meeting.

6.    Reports on science activities : members. - All

•    There are lengthy delays with publications because management levels who are dealing with approvals do not understand the content. This is especially true in cases involving external peers. There is a new structure coming which is rumoured to go Public Service wide.
•    The ramifications of the process still in place are that, scientists remove their names in order to not slow down the publication process when involved with external peers or conclusions are ultimately altered by management.

NEW (AI) - Phil to send update on the new publication structure to SAC.

•    Members at ECCC have not heard of internal communications on Scientific Integrity. Members around the table expressed that from what they know; meetings at ECCC on SI are still in the preliminary consultation phases.
•    Office 2.0 is also creating issues for scientists.
•    Members raised the issue of stories of REMs applying to be Science Policy Integration Advisors at CFS but are being looked over to favor EXs.
•    The AGU Conference and approvals to attend that conference remain an issue. The resolution level appears to be at the Ministerial office which makes grievances difficult. Further actions are being undertaken by the RE Group. This is also a political issue.
•    NRC has created two new science advisory positions reporting to the President. Senior management has really taken the Call for Action from two years ago.
•    NRC has 14 research centers and there are 8 new DG positions being opened where the call for profile/experience is not science oriented.
•    RO/RCO is still in bargaining, they are getting pushback on Science Integrity clauses.
•    The newly established LMCC at the National Wildlife Centre has been holding meetings where Phoenix issues were discussed and important information was passed on which will help members.

7.    Reports on science activities - Staff

a)    Update on Women in Science  - Catherine

Gender Report
•    The Gender Report is well under way. Members are currently providing comments.  The team is aiming for a final draft in mid-January.
•    There was a discussion about SAC perhaps reviewing the recommendations. The recommendations will be drafted and would be approved and submitted.
•    There was a discussion about the content of the report.

NSERC Gender Summit
•    Catherine and two members attended the Summit.
•    A discussion was had on the important pieces which could affect SAC’s initiatives.
•    A note was distributed to SAC members by Catherine to brief members on the objectives set out for the delegation and subsequent outcomes.
•    A full report is in the works on PIPSC’s participation at the Summit which is currently out for comments and review.

(NEW) AI – The January draft WiS Gender Report will be sent to SAC members for review and comments on recommendations.

b)    Science Integrity Implementation Strategies -Michael

•    PIPSC attempted to meet with IB and departmental reps to engage on Scientific Integrity.
•    That meeting has not happened as IB is currently looking for a champion.
•    The SI working group has decided to move forward with departments contacting us directly.
•    A discussion on strategy to approach the CSA was held. The goal would be to share the model policy drafted by PIPSC with the CSA.
•    PIPSC is currently holding bi-weekly calls with members from various departments to keep member engagement fresh.
•    Tools for consultations teams will be finalized in mid-December by Michael and a few other members.
•    There is a meeting for the working-group on consultations in February where a half-day meeting would be held on SI.
•    Members expressed the fact that some departments are already moving ahead with SI changes and how this will work with a new implication from the CSA.
•    Members also discussed the opportunity of leveraging the WiS sessions to coincide with SI.

NEW (AI) -  SAC to recommend that WiS sessions, if approved by the BOD, coincide with the SI meetings for consultations presidents.

c)    Science Membership Survey  -Michael/Maxime

•    The draft muzzling report is done and has been distributed to SAC members for comments. The tentative release is set for January 2018.
•    The Women in Science report is still being targeted for International Women’s Day
•    The Science Capacity Report is slower. Hopefully, that report could be released before the Budget; however this may not be possible. Michael is aiming at a potential draft in early January.
•    Members expressed that they would like to add more recommendations on the Muzzling report and wondered about how those will be implemented.

d)    State of Government Science Monitoring - Maxime

•    Max gave an update on the CFIA report which is out for internal comments but has ultimately already been passed around. This speaks to the level of interest for such a tool.
•    How do we solidify a model?
•    How will these be reviewed and utilized (internally)?
•    How will these be used with the media and PIPSC strategies (externally)?
•    The committee had a discussion on the importance of this section of the Science Strategic plan.
•    Another metric which could be explored is the number of complaints related to the use of Shared Services Canada  
•    Measuring Departmental Plans against the latest Budgets. Also, some new programs are announced without new money, subsequently other programs bleed to fund new ones.

NEW (AI) – At the SAC meeting in March 2018, Max to present a model for Monitoring Reports, including suggestions on internal review processes & how these reports could be used to inform media and PIPSC strategies on a timeline.

e)    Conference Attendance initiative - Jean

•    The RE Group created a conference attendance website which keeps track of the denial/approval rates for conference attendance.
•    Members got an email to participate. Data is currently being stored in a database.
•    The intent is that this is a pilot which could be rolled-out for other groups.
•    Some members expressed that the employer is dictating which conferences and who is to attend conferences. Members signaled that this can be grieved.

8.    NEW business - All

a)    Update on Women in Science from the AGM meetings - Susan/Catherine

•    30 or so members attended the first meeting at the AGM.
•    Many members felt strongly about flexible working arrangements.
•    A subsequent meeting attended by all happened which aimed at generating more ideas on this file and prioritizing them.
•    SAC members who attended spoke highly of the quality and professionalism of PIPSC staff in holding and steering these meetings.
•    Minutes were taken and will be available.
•    One of the big takeaways from the meeting is that further strategic planning has to happen.
•    The initiative is proposing to hold two sessions, as distributed to members in their binder. The imitative would like to see staff, SAC members and other PIPSC activists to support and participate in these sessions. SBDA consultation presidents and Science group Presidents would be invited and coincide with Strategic Bargaining Committee meetings.
•    Documents available for these sessions would be the draft Gender Report as well as outcomes from NSERC Gender Summit.
•    A discussion was had around release dates for key documents; that responsibility will ultimately be left to PIPSC’s Communications section.

NEW (AI) – SAC & Rob to present a request for funding to PIPSC BOD on holding two further sessions coinciding with SBC meetings to engage members into strategic planning on gender issues (Rob, Catherine & Jean)

LUNCH BREAK @ 11:55 a.m.

b) Muzzling report: Are the muzzles off? Comments & review - Max / All

•    Members received the latest version of the report as of last Friday.
•    Members reviewed the draft report as a committee.
•    Members praised the draft report and were happy with its quality.
•    Further discussions were had on the recommendations stemming from the report.
•    The tentative release date is in the New Year.

c)    SAC Owner’s manual  - Richard / All

•    Members had a chance to review the document from Richard. All discussed and flagged their suggestions.
•    Members provided comments and had a few questions about the document.
•    The distribution of the owner’s manual was discussed. It is of the members view that the final version of this document be publicly available on the SAC website under

NEW (AI) – Rob will review the “Bylaws”, “Governance & procedures”, as well as the “Board Liaison” sections of the SAC owner’s manual and send the amendments to Richard.

NEW (AI) – Richard will proceed with flagged changes to the SAC owner’s manual.

NEW (AI) – Once the SAC owner’s manual is finalized, Max to send it to informatics to be hosted on under SAC’s page.

NEW (AI) – NEW SAC chair to include the owner’s manual in the first communication sent to new SAC members.

d)    Building bridges with the Chief Science Advisor - All

•    Rob and Max briefed the committee on what they heard from the CSA at CSPC.
•    Members feel that even though we have a Chief Science Advisor and not an independent Officer of Parliament, PIPSC should not be shy in its interactions with the CSA and calling on its office.
•    The Fall lobby pertaining to Science messaging was well received. A report is coming out of Emily Watkins’ office.
•    The relationship established with the CSA should be one that is mutually beneficial. The members discussed how the experience on consultations/relationship pertaining to Phoenix issues is an avenue which could be explored.
•    Ongoing meetings would be a way of building momentum through an action plan.
•    The idea was floated around that the CSA be invited to a SAC meeting.

9.    Transition to next SAC  - Jean/All

•    Members who wanted to volunteer for the next year, some members missed the deadline. Some members are intending to stay on as friends of the committee.
•    Members are very pleased with the work that was accomplished this year.
•    Members are looking forward to the release of the reports and hope PIPSC stays on top of the media bubble.

10.    Round Table  - All

•    The committee would like to thank the invaluable contributions of two key SAC members: Susan O’Donnell and Richard Winder.

11.    Date of next meeting - All

•    As this is the last meeting of the committee in its current standing, March 12th was picked as the next date.

12.    List of Action Items  - All

NEW (AI) – SAC to try and obtain the level transparency and communication with which departments have been informing staff of the changes on scientific integrity. (Max)

NEW (AI) – Max to continue drafting the memo on Artificial Intelligence and report back to SAC on the development of such memo. The goal is to have it ready so consultation teams can start asking questions at their quarterly meetings.

NEW (AI) – Rob will follow-up on unanswered email from stakeholders at PIPSC regarding erosion of PC jobs to EC and EG classifications.

NEW (AI) - Phil to send update on the new publication structure to SAC.

(NEW) AI –draft WiS Gender Report will be sent to SAC members for review and comments on recommendations on January 15th.

NEW (AI) – Rob to collaborate with Michael in recommending that WiS sessions coincide with the SI meetings for consultations presidents.

NEW (AI) – In March 2018, Max to present a Monitoring Report model, which will include suggestions on internal review processes & how these reports could be used to inform media and PIPSC strategies. A timeline will also accompany the follow-up.

NEW (AI) – Rob will review the “Bylaws”, “Governance & procedures”, as well as the “Board Liaison” sections of the SAC owner’s manual and send the amendments to Richard Winder.

NEW (AI) – Richard will proceed with flagged changes to the SAC owner’s manual.

NEW (AI) – Once the SAC owner’s manual is finalized, Max to send it to informatics to be hosted on under SAC’s page.

NEW (AI) – NEW SAC chair to include the owner’s manual in the first communication sent to new SAC members and add a tab for suggested readings (i.e. Naylor Report).
1) SAC webpage: