March 16, 2024

PIPSC Salon A/B or via Zoom

9:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M.




Present: Manny Costain (Chair), Mandy Chan (ON), Michael P. Kenny (NCR), Mike Chow (BCY), Scott McConaghy (ATL), Nicki Ezechinedu (PNWT), Renaud Guiard (QC)

Staff: Tony Goddard


Roundtable and Introductions

All introduced themselves and the Chair welcomed the new members.


1)               Approval of the Agenda

            Moved: Mandy Chan             Seconded: Renaud Guiard



2)               Approval of Minutes of December 16, 2023

            Moved: Scott McConaghy      Seconded: Michael Kenny


      The Chair pointed out that we are still waiting for the minutes of September 18, 2023.


3)               Board of Directors Update (Manny)

Manny pointed out that the Board has met twice since our last meeting in December 2023. He summarized the relevant items from the Board and advised that the BLPC items sent to the February Board were deferred to the March Board, this coming Tuesday & Wednesday, due to time restraints.


a.     2024 BLPC Meeting Schedule

1.     Saturday March 16, 2024

2.     Monday April 29 (11am – 4pm EST) Virtual

3.     Monday July 8, 2024 (11am – 4pm EST) Virtual

4.     Thursday August 22, 2024 – possible extension to a 2-day meeting if needed

(1)   Resolutions Sub-committee Friday August 23, 2024

5.     Saturday October 5, 2024

6.     Saturday December 7, 2024


For the newer members of the committee, we took the time to explain how to submit for “641 Leave” and where to find the Authorization Form.


Secretarial Note: Minutes for July 14, 2023 and October 23, 2023 have been translated and posted on the website.


4)               Standing & Priority Items

a.     Policy on Financial Support for Member Participation (BoD Jan) The revised wording for the cell phone and internet reimbursement was written into the Policy on Constituent Body Allocations and the Policy on Consultation and subsequently removed from the Policy on Financial Support for Member Participation. It is anticipated that this will clarify the Board’s intent. The policies were approved by the Board at their January meeting and have been posted on the PIPSC website.


b.     AGM Resolution F-6 Family Care (BoD Jan) The Policy on Family Care has been updated with the wording of the AGM resolution (F-6), approved by the Board at their January meeting and posted on the PIPSC website.


c.     AGM Resolution P-10 Committees of the Board (BoD Jan) The new requirements for limiting meetings for Committees of the Board as passed by the AGM (P-10) have been incorporated into the Policy on Committees of the Board, approved by the Board and posted on the PIPSC website.


d.     BoD Motion – International Travel (Chris) This policy revision from the Board was originally assigned to Christine Freeman, who is no longer part of the Committee. Manny & Tony have volunteered to complete this review and modify the wording of the policy for presentation to the BLPC no later than the April meeting. If completed sooner, it can be circulated and approved secretarially. 


e.     BoD Motion - Acting President During International Travel (Scott) In a similar fashion to the above item, this policy revision will be incorporated by Manny & Tony and can be approved secretarially prior to the next BLPC meeting.


f.       Separate Employer Group Funding (Manny)

Message from AC Director, Chris Roach:

I spent the morning yesterday with the separate employers’ group and continued to discuss one of their biggest issues, AGM funding for their small groups. The reality of the current policy does not take into consideration our smaller groups that are able to hold their AGMs after work locally with no travel and typically no salary replacement. The positive thing is they do get a large representation of their members, typically over 70%.

The current policy allows for the executive plus 1 per 200 so in many instances 4 people max. Their discretionary funds don't allow them much flexibility either. I challenged them yesterday to start on a solution and not just ask the BLPC and finance committee to develop something that likely won't meet their needs.

I've been asked to share the following with you for your comments and consideration prior to the next board. I've also suggested we should meet with Jonathan Fitzpatrick prior to the next board to provide feedback.

Here is the starting point, happy to discuss at any time it's convenient for you, again this would only apply to our separate employer groups.


Proposed new wording for SEG Group AGM Funding Policy 

For groups that are defined as separate employers, and 2 or fewer attendees require travel cost and salary reimbursement, the group AGM funding formula will be equal to one dinner meal compensation per attendee, for the group membership count, to a maximum of 100 attendees, plus costs of obtaining an appropriately sized meeting space to a maximum of $1500.

The meeting will be held at a time, date, and location that is most cost effective for the group and will not exceed one day in length.

Groups will include the budget for the group AGM with the annual budget submission to PIPSC.

There was consensus with the proposal. For a better understanding of what normal cost are for smaller Groups, it was suggested that we contact PIPSC Finance and ask for the pre-covid budget vs actual figures.


g.     IT Ottawa Metro SG Amendments re-consideration - Manny & Tony explained the circumstances surrounding the Ottawa Metro IT Subgroup Bylaws being returned to the BLPC. Just prior to the previously BLPC approved bylaws for this subgroup being reviewed by the Board, it was discovered that the version we were previously provided at our December meeting was NOT in fact the same version approved by the subgroup AGM. A different version of the bylaws has been provided to us for consideration. Michael K will verify that this alternate version is in fact the version accepted by the subgroup AGM and then we will review that version.


5)               Results/Approvals from previous Board meeting(s)

  1. JCC Group Bylaws - Posted to the PIPSC website.


  1. Policy on Accessing IT Equipment - deferred to March BoD due to lack of time at February BoD.


  1. AFS Group 2023 Amendments - Posted to the PIPSC website.


  1. BCFNHA Group - Posted to the PIPSC website.


  1. BoD Resolution P-1 Relocation of FT Vice-Presidents - deferred to March BoD due to lack of time at February BoD.


6)           Matters Arising

a.     NEB Group Bylaws – Scott to report back at April meeting, Group to explain why they require such a high quorum.


b.     House of Commons Group Bylaws Amended - Michael K waiting for Group Ratification at the AGM scheduled for late March 2024.


c.     CRPEG Group - Michael K reviewing AGM minutes from January 23, 2024. Suggested changes include adding the Francophone version of Rules of Order back into the bylaws and a concern about specifying a hard value of “3” for quorum instead of “majority” of executive.


d.     BL 17.4 - Elections Appeals Committee – Since this Committee is just about to be named at the March Board meeting, we will give the new Chair a chance to review and make recommendations before we interject.


e.     Edmonton Branch By-Laws – Nicki attended the Branch AGM and reported that the bylaw changes previously submitted have been rescinded by the AGM.


f.       Retired Members – Request for clarification from BoD – Scott McConaghy is still working on this item.


g.     Place de Ville NR SG - Michael K – the bylaws are still being reviewed, an AGM was held November 30, 2023, and minor revisions are required. (“review vs audit”, “approval of budget”) Michael to liaise with Yves Cousineau and they will approve secretarially and submit the final version. Likely for BoD approval in May.




h.     CLC Committee Appointments Tony will review the Board minutes to determine the scope of this request and include the OES’s feedback for the next BLPC meeting.


i.       Northeastern Alberta Branch – Tony will reach out to Chris Freeman for any information she may have on these bylaws and forward that information to Nicki, the new representative from PNWT.


j.       NWT Branch Amendments – Tony will reach out to Chris Freeman for any information she may have on these bylaws and forward that information to Nicki, the new representative from PNWT.


7)               New Business

a.     Greater Vancouver Branch - Mike C to clarify with the Vancouver Branch on election procedure.


b.     NCR-RO/RCO Group – Tony will prepare these bylaws for submission to the May Board meeting.


c.     Leave of Absence for Directors (BL 21.5) Concern has been raised by the ECC regarding Bylaws 21.5 and 21.5.1. Specifically, the following wording: “A special election must be called if the duration of a term is greater than twelve (12) months following a declaration of vacancy.” The interpretation presented allows a PIPSC Director to take leave “with just cause” for a period of more than 2 months however, if the Director’s remaining term is more than 12 months then it MUST be filled by an election.

Example: Nine (9) months after assuming office, a director announces that they are taking maternity/parental leave. The remainder of the three-year term is 25 months. According to this clause in article 21.5.1, the director cannot return to their position after the completion of maternity/parental leave. 

A fulsome discussion ensued. The Chair asked all members to consider this interpretation and to formulate revised wording for possible inclusion to an AGM resolution to modify this bylaw. The Chair stated that he would likely make a first attempt at the wording. Discussion will continue at the April BLPC meeting.

Secretarial Note: The restrictive wording is also included in the vacancy articles for the President (19.5.1) and Vice-presidents (20.4).


d.     Toronto ECC Branch – Mandy will compare the submission to the model, liaise with the Toronto ECC Branch if needed and make a recommendation at the April BLPC meeting.


e.     Constituent Body Executive Travel – The Chair of the Finance Committee raised a concern with constituent body (CB) executives who are applying the policies to claim travel costs (mileage reimbursement) for attending executive and other meetings of the CB, specifically the executives of Branches and Subgroups. The committee discussed the matter in full and concluded that, for the very small number of CBs where this might be claimed, there should not be an issue and therefore no requirement to change the existing policy. Manny to discuss with the Finance Chair.


f.       HoC Conditional Approval - Michael K explained that the HoC Group is looking at adding new members (Parliamentary Pages) to their Group and would like to insert the appropriate wording in their bylaws in advance. It was recommended that they wait until after the new members are officially incorporated in the Group before changing any wording.


8)     Tracking Document – Tony has resurrected the tracking document formerly maintained by Julie Gagnon. Tony has scanned the BLPC and Board minutes and updated any entry accordingly but due to it not being regularly updated since January 2021, there may be errors or omissions. If you see anything that needs correction, please report it to the BLPC staff resource for updating.


9)               Parked Items



a)               Senate Clerks Group (Amended)



b)               IT CS Vancouver SG (Mike C)


Branches / Chapters



Action Items

Dec 16, 2023:

1.     Follow-up on September 23, 2023 minutes - Tony will follow up with Ann again.

2.     Policy wording for international travel (Christine) > (Tony & Manny).

3.     Policy wording for acting president while on international travel (Scott) > (Tony & Manny).

4.     Relocation requirement for FT-VP (Tony) to March BoD.

5.     NEB Bylaws revisions (Scott).

Mar 16, 2024:

1.     SEG Funding ask Finance Section for pre-covid budget vs actuals - Tony

2.     Ottawa Metro IT SG – Michael K

3.     CRPEG – Michael K

4.     Retired members – Scott

5.     Place de Ville NR SG – Michael K

6.     CLC Committee Appointments – Tony

7.     Northeastern Alberta & NWT Branch – Tony

8.     Greater Vancouver Branch – Mike C

9.     NRC-RO/RCO – Tony to prepare for the Board.

10.  Leave of Absence for Directors – Manny

11.  Toronto ECC Branch – Mandy

12.  CB Travel – Manny to talk to John Purdie