April 29, 2024

via Zoom

1:00 P.M. to 5:00 P.M. (EST)




Present: Manny Costain (Chair), Mandy Chan (ON), Michael P. Kenny (NCR), Mike Chow (BCY), Scott McConaghy (ATL), Renaud Guiard (QC)

Staff: Tony Goddard

Regrets: Nicki Ezechinedu (PNWT)                                                             



Roundtable and Introductions

Land acknowledgement (PEI).


1)               Approval of the Agenda

            Moved: Michael Kenny                      Seconded: Mike Chow



2)               Approval of Minutes of March 16, 2024

            Moved: Scott McConaghy      Seconded: Mandy Chan


      The Chair pointed out that we are still waiting for the minutes of September 18, 2023.


3)               Board of Directors Update (Manny)

Manny provided a short update on the Board approvals and noted that they are listed in section 5 of today's agenda.


Secretarial Note: Minutes for December 16, 2023, have been translated and posted on the website.


4)               Standing & Priority Items

a.     Policy on Financial Support for Member Participation (BoD Jan) The revised wording on international travel, as extracted from the Board motion, has been incorporated into the policy as Article 5. International Travel. The balance of the policy articles have been renumbered accordingly. (To be sent for BoD approval)


b.     Policy on President – Terms and Conditions (BoD Dec) The wording provided by the Board motion to appoint an acting president when the president is outside the boundaries of Canada was inserted as Article 7.2. Subsequent articles were renumbered. (To be sent for BoD approval)


c.     Policy on Accessing PIPSC General Funds (Separate Employer Group Funding) After consultation with Jonathan Fitzpatrick, SEG representative at the AC, wording was modified in Appendix A to the Policy to better fund Separate Employer Groups for their Group Executive Meetings and Group AGMs. (To be sent for BoD approval)


d.     Policy on Conduct The full Equity Statement has been added to the policy as article 3. Equity Statement. The subsequent articles have been renumbered. (To be sent for BoD approval)


e.     Policy on Better Together Funding The revised policy was submitted by Candace Jazvac (staff) for review and recommendation to the Board. Seeing nothing to raise a concern, it was decided to forward the policy to the Board for final approval. (To be sent for BoD approval)


f.       Policy on Constituent Body Allocations A revision to article 6. Use of Funds, item 1. Was updated to indicate that donations are made by the Constituent Body and tax receipts cannot be used for personal tax purposes. (To be sent for BoD approval)


g.     Policy on Institute Staff (preliminary) the policy has been reviewed by Tony Goddard, ES Jean-François Prégent, VP Sean O’Reilly and ED Tania Lafrenière and modified to reflect the current state at PIPSC with updated job titles. The next step will be a cursory review by the Board at their May meeting and then final revisions and hopefully approval at the June Board meeting. (To be sent for BoD review)


h.     MAGE – The revisions submitted by the MAGE Group was reviewed and approved by the BLPC. (To be sent for BoD approval)


5)               Results/Approvals from previous Board meeting(s)

  1. Halifax Branch (Posted)
  2. Policy on Accessing IT Equipment (Posted)
  3. BoD Resolution P-1 Relocation of FT Vice-Presidents (Posted - Effective Jan 1, 2025)
  4. Policy of President (Posted - Effective Jan 1, 2025)
  5. Policy on Vice-Presidents (Posted - Effective Jan 1, 2025)


6)           Matters Arising

a.     NEB Group Bylaws – Scott M. provided an update and advised that he is waiting for the Group to ratify the changes. After discussion with the Group, he has determined that the quorum requirement is not an issue. A full review will be done by the next meeting.


b.     House of Commons Group Bylaws Amended - Michael K has indicated that the final version, including the “Proxy Form”, is now ready for the Board to approve. (To be sent for BoD approval)


c.     CRPEG Group - Michael K is waiting for the Group to ratify the proposed changes.


d.     BL 17.4 - Elections Appeals Committee – the EAC has decided to maintain the existing wording and will review after they have had more experience working under the existing bylaw.


e.     Retired Members – Scott McConaghy is still working on this item.


f.       Place de Ville NR SG – Sent to translation and will be forwarded to the Board once translation is complete.


g.     CLC Committee Appointments – this item has been referred back to Director Mark Muench and will be moved to a staff responsibility in the future.


h.     Northeastern Alberta Branch – deferred to the next meeting.


i.       NWT Branch Amendments – deferred to the next meeting.


j.       IT Ottawa Metro Subgroup – the final (correct) version has been submitted, reviewed and is ready for translation. (To be sent for translation and BoD approval)


k.     Greater Vancouver Branch – Mike C. liaised with Rob MacDonald, and they worked on the final wording, it is like the model bylaws. All revisions were accepted by the BLPC and the bylaws will be sent for translation and then to the Board for approval.


l.       Leave of Absence for Directors (BL 21.5) There was a lengthy discussion around this item. Examples: 1) Concern was raised when the Director is 2 months into a mandate and needs to take up to 18 months off for parental responsibilities (or perhaps a cancer treatment) 2) Can “just cause” be defined? 3) If an election is held to fill a vacancy, what will happen when the incumbent returns? The members agreed to review this policy, the intent and possible corrective wording at the next meeting.


m.   Toronto ECCC Branch – All revisions are acceptable. (To be sent for BoD approval)


n.     NRC RO/RCO Group – Bylaw amendments approved by BLPC and sent to translation. (To be sent for BoD approval)


7)               New Business


a.     Toronto North CRA Branch – Concern was raised around the wording for the election process. Is the intent to have an election, by secret ballot, for the full executive every two (2) years. Mandy confirmed with the CB president that this was the intent. (To be sent for BoD approval)


b.     AFS Toronto North Subgroup – See 7.a above [same executive]. (To be sent for BoD approval)


c.     Environmental Policy – The environmental policy recommended by the AC was presented to the members and a lengthy discussion ensued. Several concerns were raised about the strict direction being provided. One committee member found the policy personally offensive since they do not agree with being told how to be environmentally friendly; softer wording was recommended. Concern was also raised about our food waste at meetings, should we consider eliminating food at breaks and provide beverages only.

It was agreed that this policy needs to be reformatted into the PIPSC standard policy format and then a full discussion and review by the committee can take place at the next BLPC meeting.


d.     Context and Gender – It was suggested that if a CB asks to modify bylaw #12 (Context and Gender) they may be better served by asking for a gender-neutral version of the bylaws or using the model version. 


e.     MAGE – see item 4.h


f.       Ontario Region – Some minor corrections are required and then these bylaws can be forwarded for translation and approval. (To be reviewed at next BLPC)


g.     Policy on Balancing Union Activity and Family Life – The Finance Section has raised a couple concerns with the wording of the policy. Allowances are specifically named for the AC meetings but not the WGC meetings, further it still refers to Subgroup Chairs vs. Subgroup Presidents. Tony has agreed to review the policy for completeness and update the language to match what is currently used in other policies. (To be reviewed at next BLPC)


h.     Winnipeg & Southern Manitoba Branch - deferred to next meeting.


Manny commended the committee for all the hard work today and for completing a very long agenda in record time.


8)     Tracking Document Tony has resurrected the tracking document formerly maintained by Julie Gagnon. Tony has scanned the BLPC and Board minutes and updated any entry accordingly but due to it not being regularly updated since January 2021, there may be errors or omissions. If you see anything that needs correction, please report it to the BLPC staff resource for updating.


9)               Parked Items



a)               Senate Clerks Group (Amended)



b)               IT CS Vancouver SG (Mike C)


Branches / Chapters




2024 BLPC Meeting Schedule

1.     Saturday March 16, 2024

2.     Monday April 29 (11am – 4pm EST) Virtual

3.     Monday July 8, 2024 (1pm – 5pm EST) Virtual

4.     Thursday August 22, 2024 – possible extension to a 2-day meeting if needed.

(1)   Resolutions Sub-committee Friday August 23, 2024

5.     Saturday October 5, 2024

6.     Saturday December 7, 2024