Resolutions to be considered at the 2021 SH Annual General Meeting

Resolutions to be considered at the 2021 SH Annual General Meeting


6.2 Composition:

Whereas there are acronyms in this by-law that are not defined in full within the by-law

or in the Definitions,

Whereas members of the Group may not have knowledge of what the acronyms


Be it resolved that the acronyms of VAC, CSC, DND, and ISC be explained in the

Definitions section of the SH Group Constitution and By-laws.

VAC: Veterans Affairs Canada

CSC: Correctional Services Canada

DND: Department of National Defence

ISC: Indigenous Services Canada


6.3 Officers:

Each year, at the first meeting following an election, the Group Executive shall

select a President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer elected from the

elected members of the Group Executive.

Whereas the intent of this by-law is to elect the Group Executive officers each year,

Whereas the current wording of the by-law is unclear as to whether the officers are

‘elected’ or ‘selected’,

Be it resolved that the word ‘select’ is changed to ‘elect’ in By-law 6.3 and that the

words ‘elected’ are removed.

Each year, at the first meeting following an election, the Group Executive shall

elect a President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer from the members of

the Group Executive.


6.8. Vacancies

6.8.1 If the position of the President becomes vacant for any reason, the

Vice-President shall become President until the next election.

Whereas the Group has two elections every year: one to elect members of the Group

Executive on three-year term rotations, and one to annually elect the Officers of the

Group Executive, namely President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer,

Whereas the current wording of By-law 6.8.1 does not specify which election is

represented in the by-law,

Be it resolved that the wording is changed to read as follows to more accurately reflect

the intent of the election of officers and election of positions:

6.8.1 Vacancy of President

If the position of the President becomes vacant for any reason, the Vice-President shall

become President until the next election of officers.


6.8.2 Vacancy of Officers

If the position of the Vice President, Treasurer, or Secretary becomes vacant for any

reason, the remaining members of the Group Executive may select an eligible

member of the Group Executive to fill the vacancy until the next election of



6.8.3 Vacancy of member of the Group Executive

If a position of elected professional representation becomes vacant for any reason,

the remaining members of the Group Executive may select an eligible member of the

Group to fill the vacancy of that profession until the end of the original term of office.

The Group Executive will make every effort to ensure a vacancy is filled by a member in

the same profession and in the case of a nursing position, the same department.


8.1.5 Delegates:

Be it resolved that this resolution be changed to read only regular members.

Only regular members of the SH Group may apply and be delegates to the Annual

General Meeting. Only delegates shall be entitled to vote. Delegates shall be

appointed as follows:


4.1 Except as provided in By-Law 4.2, only Regular members shall be eligible to vote on matters related to collective negotiations, including the method of dispute resolution and the ratification of proposed collective agreements.

4.2 Retired members who cease to be Regular members during the retroactive period of a collective agreement have the right to vote on that tentative agreement that affects them.

4.3 Only Regular members shall be eligible to hold office, nominate members for positions on the Group Executive, propose amendments to the Constitution and By-Laws of the Group, and vote in Group affairs.

NEW Proposed for vote: 4.3.1 A Regular member who retires during their three- year term on the Executive may complete their term.

New Proposed for vote 4.3.2 A recently* (within one year of their retirement from the Public Service) retired member shall also be eligible to hold office, nominate members for positions on the Group Executive, propose amendments to the Constitution and By-Laws of the Group, and vote in Group affairs for one term only.


Adam Fenwick’s Resolution 2020 - SH AGM REsolution Proposal - to amend REgulation R6.9.6.15 Whereas the members of the Bargaining Committee have an active role in communicating with members during the implementation of the new Collective Agreement and; Whereas the members of the Bargaining Committee are a valuable resource through formation of and participation on any committees, groups, or teams resulting directly from, or responsible for implementation of elements of a new Collective agreement and; Whereas continuity and seamless transition between successive Bargaining Committees is vital to achieving the best possible agreement for members; Be it resolved that Regulation R. be amended to the following: R6.9.6.15 The term of the Bargaining Committee shall normally end when the new collective agreement is signed once the next Bargaining Committee is selected.