Minutes of the Montérégie Branch 2017 AGM

1. Call to order

H. Vanasse: The President called the meeting to order at 6:10 p.m. and welcomed the Branch members and guests. He mentioned that Yves Cousineau, President of the NR Group, had joined us for the AGM and that he telling us about some good NR Group news.

2. Introduction of guests

H. Vanasse: Hugues took the opportunity to introduce the other guests for the evening: Stéphane Aubry, Part-time Vice-President PIPSC; Steve Parent, Regional Representative, AFS Group, PIPSC; Frédéric Durso, Employment Relations Officer; Sandra Guéric, Employment Relations Officer; and Yves Cousineau, President, NR Group.

3. Approval of the agenda

Moved by Ghislain Biron, seconded by Marc Boutin.

4. Adoption of 2016 AGM minutes

Moved by Chrystophe Jodoin, seconded by Marie-Gabrielle Collot.

5. Introduction of Interim Executive

Hugues Vanasse President

*Manon Duchesne Treasurer

*Giovanni Giolti Secretary

*Lucie Dubé Member-at-Large

*Francine Carrier Member-at-Large

Ghislain Biron Member-at-Large

Fethi Boutaleb Member-at-Large

Jean-Denis Bisson Member-at-Large

Stéphane Boyer Member-at-Large

*Vacant Member-at-Large

*Eric Dupuis (1 year) Member-at-Large

*available positions

6. Election

Mario Lamarre, the 2017 Election Chair, announced the available positions. Mr. Lamarre said there were still two vacant positions and asked the members interested to complete and submit the nomination form. After the forms were received and checked for eligibility, the members were acclaimed.

7. Introduction of the new Executive

Hugues Vanasse President

Lucie Dubé Vice-President (elected)

Manon Duchesne Treasurer (elected)

Giovanni Giolti Secretary (elected)

Francine Carrier Member-at-Large (elected)

Ghislain Biron Member-at-Large

Fethi Boutaleb Member-at-Large (elected)

Jean-Denis Bisson Member-at-Large

Stéphane Boyer Member-at-Large

Steve Parent (1 year) Member-at-Large (elected)

Karina Forgues Member-at-Large (elected)

8. Presentation of financial statements as of December 31, 2016, and the 2017 budget

Prepared and presented by Manon Duchesne, Treasurer, Montérégie Branch.

Moved by Fethi Boutaleb, seconded by Francine Carrier.

9. Guest speakers

H. Vanasse: Before handing over the floor to the guests, Hugues thanked the members for their involvement. That involvement has allowed the Branch to deliver retirement planning sessions, hold meetings with the Varennes members, adopt a Montérégie banner, and so forth.

Stéphane Aubry: Stéphane’s mainly spoke about the Phoenix problems. The situation was truly disastrous for many of our members and we were all affected to some extent. Stéphane also told us that some CS members had been working to improve the system but that it was a painstaking job. Following a parliamentary lobbying campaign, PIPSC is now planning a grievance campaign concerning the Phoenix problems. Support will be given to Stewards for this campaign. A question and answer

period with members followed. Ultimately, Plan B would be to start from scratch, but without SUBCONTRACTING.

Steve Parent: The tentative agreement was among the topics addressed by Steve. He spoke about the economic increases and the classification review. He also talked about the term “family” being expanded, which will have an impact on such things as bereavement leave. Steve also informed us of the code to be used at work for Phoenix corrections (applies to AFS Group only). As for sick leave, the status quo remains for now.

Yves Cousineau: Yves told us that the NR Group and Treasury Board just signed a tentative agreement (November 7, 2017). The handful of NR members in attendance got details on the agreement and were told when they would be receiving their retroactive pay.

Frédérick Durso: Frédéric gave a presentation on disciplinary action and termination grievances.

He also provided details on the decisions in regard to the withdrawal of reliability status. His talk was followed by a brief question and answer period.

Sandra Guéric: Sandra explained the reason for work descriptions. She said that classifications depend on the work description and she talked about the implications for members in terms of their annual evaluation. The wording must describe and specify the member’s duties, which must be recognized during the annual evaluation. It is up to members to insist on it. A short question and answer period followed the presentation.

10. Closing remarks

H. Vanasse: Hugues thanked all members of the Executive, the guests, and the members who participated in the AGM this year.

11. Adjournment

The meeting was adjourned at 8:40 p.m.

Moved by Manon Duchesne, seconded by Philippe Fortin.