SH Sub-Group and Montréal/Rive-Nord Branch

Held on June 13, 2022, at Rôtisserie St-Hubert (Laval) 6:00 pm.



1. Welcome and establishment of quorum

2. Agenda Review and Approval

3. Review of February 16, 2022, minutes and follow-up


5. Position to be filled (Sub-Group and Branch Secretary)

6. Upcoming Meetings

7. Miscellaneous:

7.1 Personal item (Éric Massey)

7.2 SH Group Bargaining (Éric Massey)

7.3 Releasing Stewards (Raphaël Carpentier)

7.4 CEED and Young Professional Network (Wendy Blouin)

7.5 Creating a Slack account (Wendy Blouin)

7.6 Laval Sector Engineer (Éric Massey)

7.7 List of Branch members (Éric Massey)

7.8 New Employee Welcome Package (Wendy Blouin)



  1. Welcome and establishment of quorum:

Raphael, who chaired the meeting, welcomed each member. 

In Attendance:

Pascale Dorais

Éric Massey

Raphaël Carpentier

Wendy Blouin

Paul-Étienne Paradis

Joseph Coirazza (NR at CSC)

Valérie Dupuis

Regrets: Donald Moisan, Pascal Laverdure, Linda Stevens, Mario Déry


  1. Agenda Review and Approval

Additions were suggested by various members.  It was moved by Raphaël Carpentier to adopt the amended agenda, seconded by Paul-Étienne Paradis.


  1. Review of the February 16, 2022, minutes and follow-up:

Éric Massey returned to the issue of the Sub-Group President’s cell phone plan, as it relates to the budget.  He explained that he had increased the amount initially foreseen for this purpose ($600/year) to $720/year (or $60/month) without having consulted the members of the executive, which he recognized and assumed was a mistake.  He consulted the members today and asked for a vote on the proposal to increase the budget to $720/year.

Discussion of available cell phone plans and the President’s needs.

There is s vote on whether or not the members agree with the budget increase.

Proposal adopted unanimously. 


  1. CONCUR:

Difficulties in entering reimbursement claims associated with union expenses are reported by some members.  Éric Massey provided information to the members regarding the functioning of the CONCUR application.

Wendy Blouin proposed to send each member a step-by-step guide for using the application.


  1. Position to be filled (Sub-Group and Branch Secretary):

Éric Massey and Raphaël Carpentier provided information regarding the roles and responsibilities of the position, not only for meetings but also to ensure compliance/respect of procedures to meet deadlines for agendas and minutes as well as attendance at AGMs.

Éric Massey proposed that Valérie Tremblay fill the current vacancy for a period of one year.  Valérie Tremblay accepts, seconded by Paul-Étienne Paradis.


  1. Upcoming Meetings

Members plan to schedule the next session in mid to late September 2022.  Raphaël Carpentier suggested sending out a survey to check members’ availability for the week of September 12 to 16.


  1. Miscellaneous

7.1 Personal item (Éric Massey)

In the interest of transparency, Éric Massey addressed an error that was made and apologized to the members.  He explained that as a result of a budget request for a dinner to celebrate Nurses’ Week, he was approached to include nursing assistants, secretaries and orderlies who are not part of PIPSC.  He indicated that he approved the requests without consulting the other members of the executive.

Raphaël Carpentier suggested that the Executive look at this issue again at the next meeting in order to have a policy to ensure that each and every expense is voted on.  Valérie Dupuis indicated that there is no predetermined budget for the events.

7.2 SH Group Bargaining (Éric Massey):

Éric Massey explained that ten professions are represented by the PIPSC SH group across the country.  Verifying the issues specific to each occupation is cumbersome because of the analyses that must be performed.  Éric informed us that a salary adjustment will be requested for each group.  He added that the attention is mostly geared towards issues that are common and managed by the Central Table (e.g., vacations).  Focus groups have recently been held.  Preparatory meetings will be held from August 22 to 26, 2022 in preparation for the negotiation meetings scheduled for November 8 and 9.  The applications will then be forwarded to Treasury Board.

Éric Massey believes that COVID can be advantageous for us in the negotiation process given that we are understaffed.  He added that discussions are being held for COVID premiums. 

In the event that the deal breakers (bonuses, hiring process, cost of living/inflation adjusted wages) are not accepted, the union will go to arbitration (provided the membership votes accordingly).

7.3 Releasing Stewards (Raphaël Carpentier):

Raphaël Carpentier reported that he had difficulty getting his employer to release him for union purposes on the grounds that the employer was understaffed.  Depending on the membership ratio, there should be a certain number of hours where stewards can be released.  He said that he did not feel fully supported by his union.

According to the way things work at PIPSC, one day per week should be reserved.  Éric Massey informed members that delegates can be released for 300 hours on a non-continuous basis.  He added that delegates must assert their rights.  A reorganization should be done at PIPSC but this will not be resolved soon.

7.4 CEED and Young Professional Network (Wendy Blouin):

Wendy Blouin informed members of upcoming events:

  • Young Federal Public Servants Dance Session (Webex)
  • 5 à 7 at the Abreuvoir, Thursday June 16: Young federal public servants from Québec (allowing socialization with youth from other departments).
  • Facebook Page
  • Planning of hikes (in Montreal, Québec City and Shawinigan).
  • Week of August 22: Public Service Pride Day
  • Career Camp (September)

7.5 Creating a Slack account (Wendy Blouin):

Such an account would allow for the sharing of information on a common platform for the Subgroup/Branch to facilitate communication among members.  The advantage of using this platform is that you can create different “channels” (environment of several subjects).       

Wendy Blouin proposed to create one with us using a connection link. If there is no notification, a common time should be agreed upon to check in to see what has happened in the past week.       

Members were in favour of trying out such a platform.

If there is an urgent issue that needs to be addressed, Wendy Blouin suggested sending an email to everyone asking them to go check the information on Slack.

7.6 Laval Sector Engineer:

There is a branch of engineers.  Éric Massey is working to recruit an engineer as a delegate.

7.7 List of Branch Members (Éric Massey):

There are approximately 400 members in our branch.  Some people don’t know they are part of our branch.  Planning a family event in the fall to engage members, and demonstrate that members support each other.        

7.8 New Employee Welcome Package (Wendy Blouin):

A welcome package is being developed to explain to new employees what the union is, what our vacations are, etc. This package should be prepared jointly with the other two unions.  Éric Massey expressed doubts about UCCO-SAC’s willingness to get involved.    





President, CSC Montreal/Rive-Nord SH Sub-Group




President, CSC Montreal/Rive-Nord Branch