Quinte Branch Executive Meeting - June 4th, 2024

Location: Bricks and Barrel Restaurant, Trenton

Executives in Attendance:

Dan Weaver            President

Deb Butler              Vice President

Kevin Brunet           Treasurer

Hazra Hosein          Secretary

Denise Martin          Member-at-Large

Lisa Shears             Member-at-Large

Jamie Buell             Member-at-Large

Bevin Stephenson   Member-at-Large

Shelley Shanessy    Member-at-Large

Shannon Brown      Member-at-Large



Action By

  1. Call Meeting to order  – 5:52 p.m.


  1. Approval of Agenda

     Moved – Dan Weaver, Seconded – Lisa Shears, AIF. Carried


  1. Approval of previous Minutes
  • Moved – Deb Butler, Seconded – Denise Martin, AIF. Carried.


  1.  Business arising from the previous Minutes


  1. President’s Report
  • Return to Office
  • Proposed to support CBSA pending strike


  1. Treasurer’s Report: Presented


  1. AGM Review
  • Professionalism
    - Hazra Hosein reminded the group that we are representing a professional group when in public.
  • Date – Tentative November 19/26
  • Venue/Hospitality – Fairfield Inn?  Deb Butler to check availability.
  • Guest Speaker – pending availability date - John Purdie (Regional Director)
  • Menu:  TBA
  • Swag (visible promotion):  Deb to forward information (link and proposals).
  1. New Business:  
  • Dan proposed an event to include the AFS and Quinte Sub-Groups and the Quinte Branch.  Lisa Shears also mentioned that the invitation should included the SH group.
    - This event was proposed for September 2024.
    - Kevin Brunet to get details on bowling for the event.
    - Deb Butler suggested that the event be combined with the IT and the Quinte branch groups.
  1. General Question / Round Table  


  1. Adjournment
    - Dan Weaver motioned to adjourn at 7:50 pm.