PIPSC Hamilton Burlington Fall Social
The Powerhouse
21 Jones Street, Stoney Creek
November 6 2018
Join us for our annual fall social
Appetizers and complimentary beverage tickets.
Please note that each year we have a number of “no-shows” that prevent others from attending.
If you are unable to attend after RSVPing please let the executive team know as soon as possible.
Please RSVP no later than October 30th to a member of the executive team.
Mehran Alaee mehranalaee58@gmail.com 905 336 4752
Enzo Barresi enzo.barresi@canada.ca 905 336 4644
Carrie Gerdes carrie.gerdes@pipsc.ca 905 387 9711x67054
Karon Miles karon.miles@canada.ca 905 336 4575
Padala Chittibabu padala.chittibabu@canada.ca 905 336 6245
Micheal Forbes mforbes@pipsc.ca 905 335 4186
Beau Atkinson beau.atkinson@canada.ca 905 928 3707
Aaron Thompson thompsonaaron24@gmail.com 905 336 4959
Satya Chaube satyachaube@yahoo.ca 905 387 9495
Jeffrey Walker jeff.walker@dfo-mpo.gc.ca 905 336 4607
Sarah DePalma sarah.depalma@canada.ca 905 315 5232