NRCan Branch of PIPSC - AGM 2018 Minutes
June 14, 2018, 12:00-1:00 p.m.
Green Papaya 256 Present St. Ottawa

Meeting Facilitator: Kimberley Tombs/Branch President

Present: Kimberley Tombs, Rachel Wang, Sylvia Boucher, Gloria Yu, Charlotte Young, Krishna Gautam, Ann Therriault, Richard Dollighan , Kyle Fletcher, 33 members, Stacy McLaren (PIPSC, HQ)

Agenda Discussion and decision

1. Welcome and Introductions

(Kimberley Tombs, Branch President) Kimberley called meeting at 12.08

2. Approval of Agenda Rachel moved, Sylvia seconded and all in favor

3. Approval of previous Minutes AGM 2017 Sylvia moved, Bernie seconded and carried forward

4. Business arising from the previous meeting Kimberley gave details on the events organized last year

Sylvia thanked two past executives for their service - Somchet Vongpaisal and Bernie Gorski. She presented them with a card and a small token of appreciation.

5. Reports:

- President’s report (Kimberley Tombs)
- Branch Activities (Kimberley Tombs)
- Treasurer’s report (Richard Dollighan)

Kimberley presented report and branch activities

Richard presented financial report and budget for 2019, Charlotte seconded, carried.

6. Brief update:

Speaker: Dr. Ann Therriault

Topic: EWSP intro

Ann mentioned the impetus for the proposed Employee Wellness and Support Program to replace the current sick leave and address issues members had tying over to the long term disability plan. She informed the assembly that the NCR NRCan Branch would hold a Lunch and Learn session to give members additional information and answer questions. The session will take place most likely in August, depending on the availability of a speaker. Kimberley has enquired regarding the availability of Jenn Carr at the end of June but it may be difficult to organize the event on short notice. Sylvia pointed members to the PIPSC website for additional information on the Program, to increase awareness in the interim. She noted two specific documents, namely the Justification for the EWSP and the FAQ on EWSP document.

7. Nominations/Election of New Executive

Stacy volunteered as Elections Chair, Ann and Rachel, as Elections co-chairs. Stacy mentioned that the NRCan Branch Bylaws provide for an election to be held at the Branch AGM. She called upon the assembly to vote on the process for electing officials to specific positions on the Executive. The assembly voted in favour of having elected officials voted-in to specific positions at their first inaugural meeting. She then called for nominations for 6 positions, distributed ballots, and tallied the results. Stacy and Rachel communicated the results to the assembly. The elected candidates are Sylvia, Kyle, Charlotte, Kimberley, Charles and Gloria.

8. Resolutions Ballots will be saved for 30 days, and destroyed thereafter.

Bernie moved, Sylvia seconded. Carried.

9. Adjournment Kimberley thanked and adjourned at 1:05 pm