PIPSC BC/Yukon Region Fraser Valley Branch 2018 Annual General Meeting.

Location: Station Pub, 3122 Station Rd, Abbotsford, BC V4X 2S8
Date: Monday, March 11, 2019
Members present (20)
Meeting called to order at 1815 hours

Welcome and Opening Remarks from the President

Jennifer Russell welcomed the membership for coming to the meeting. Opening remarks included the successes and struggles of PIPSC over the past year. These was also a lengthy discussion regarding member engagement. Most members are a little frustrated and lost as to the role of the union in the work place. Some time was spend explaining what they role of the union, stewards, and several of the key functions of PIPSC.Emphasis was placed on members VOTING in upcoming elections, on regional representation, and on negotiated contracts.

Approval/Changes to the Agenda.

There were no additions to the 2017 Agenda. A motion to accept the Agenda and the motion passed unanimously.

Adoption 2017 Minutes

Motion to accept minutes moved by the members and the motion passed unanimously.

Treasures Report

Jennifer Russell (president) gave the Treasurer Report in the absence of Paul Smith. A report was provided to the membership with opening and closing balances and explanation of the funds spent over the year.The treasures report accepted as presented, and a motion to accept moved by Ian Shaw and seconded by France Lee. The motion passed unanimously.

CURRENT EXECUTIVE (*denotes positions for election)

2017/2018 Executive
President: Jennifer Russell
Vice President: Ian Shaw*
Secretary: Andrea Cameron
Treasurer: Paul Smith*
Members at Large:
Rob Breaks
Felicia Yang
Jessie Delacherois*
Danielle Manson*
Keith Schroots*
Jason Wong *
Allan Appenalles*

Election of Officers

Due to low member turn out and lack of engagement, a strong conversation ensued regrading the importance of member becoming involved in the union. There were very few meetings held this past year and quorum not met at any.As these was no names put forward on email,names were taken from the floor. Members were encouraged to put names forward for the executive.

Vice President: Ian Shaw was the only nomination for Vice President and elected Vice President for a two-year term by acclimation.

Treasurer: Paul Smith was the only nomination for Treasurer and elected Treasurer for a two-year term by acclimation.

Members at Large nominations: Tom Shaw, Phil Johnson, Kaitlyn Houle, Monica Tam, Joseph Isidro
Membership agree that voting would take place by a show of hands.Due to no paper ballots needed, no motion to destroy the ballots needed.

2019 Executive

President: Jennifer Russell (1-year left on term)
Vice President:  Ian Shaw (2-year term)
Secretary: Andrea Cameron (1-year left on term)
Treasurer: Paul Smith (2-year term)
Members at Large:
Rob Brinks (1-year left on term)
Felicia Yang (1-year left on term)
Jason Wong (1-year term)
Tom Shaw (2-year term)
Phil Johnson (2-year term)
Kaitlyn Houle (2-year term)
Monica Tam (2-year term)
Joseph Isidro (2-year term)

Other Business / Round Table

BC/Yukon Regional AGM Report: Ian Shaw
- Ian spoke regarding the Regional AGM.

Many issues raised by the membership in this portion of the meeting.The included:

Frustration of representation of different designations within PIPSC

  • There is a frustration for some non-health services members in the Fraser Valley as they feel they get “lost”. There was a discussion around the difficulties in equal representations with such a large union.

Communication between work sites

  • Members discussed the difficulty in staying connected when many members work in sites spread over a large geographical area.
  • Commitments made to try to improve communication among members with a focus on social media.
  • Members were also encouraged to access the PIPSC website for updates.

- Apathy of the Membership

  • The FVB has always had extreme difficulty in recruiting and maintaining membership engagement. There continues to be poor turn out to meetings, events, and a general apathy among members. The overall feeling is that the union is a large union with diverse representation, and that smaller groups of professionals get “lost in the shuffle”.
  • Please continue to encourage members to get involved/participate
  • Remember that the PIPSC website is a resource tool for information

Motion to adjourn meeting moved by Jennifer Russell. Ross McIntosh seconded it.
Meeting ended at 1930 hours
Submitted by Jennifer Russell (President) for Andrea Cameron (absent from meeting)
Secretary PIPSC BC/Yukon Region Fraser Valley Branch