Randy Daly

Photo Randy Daly

My name is Randy Daly and I am running for a position of “member at large”. I am currently a retired member of the Government.

I started as a union representative in early 2004 and was a steward until my retirement in April 2023. I was successful in resolving numerous disputes, by simply negotiating an acceptable resolution between management and the employee. I am proficient in understanding the union by-laws and regulations. I adhered to the collective agreement and was very informative to employees on its interpretation.

I am interested in pursuing the above-mentioned position because I believe, due to the economic times that we live in, there will be a considerable load put on public servants to do more with less. The IT group will be facing strong pressures with the implementation of COTS (off the shelf) products. I sense that the future will require strong negotiation skills in addition to intelligent decision making.

Finally, there is a new generation of employees entering the public service that are highly educated individuals. To get their support, we will need to educate them on the union’s responsibilities. I am confident that I can undertake these functions and more.