Pierre Touchette

Pierre A. Touchette for CS Group VP
Vice-President nominee since 2013, elected in 2014 and re-elected in 2017
2017 National Capital Region Steward of the Year
Executive member since 2007
Co-Chair of the National Organizing Committee
CS Ottawa-Metro Sub-Group President since 2007
PIPSC CS Group member for 21 years
PIPSC Steward since 2007
Shared Services Canada Consultation Team member

 Dear Members,

 I am seeking your support for re-election as Vice-President. The year 2020 will go down for all of us as one to remember. The pandemic has put a major brake on all forms of union organization. The enjoyment of meeting with members in person is now replaced with virtual meetings, email messages, telephone calls, etc.

I had the pleasure of representing members at official and unofficial events, discussing and debating issues and listening to concerns.

During the last round of bargaining, I focused on the essential services file.

I would love to continue the work we started to safeguard our interests and protect our collective agreement.
I had the privilege of acting as Classification Officer and Sub-Group Officer and working on the generic job description and a new definition of the Group, as well as proudly attending the CS Sub-Group Presidents’ Annual General Meeting.

My activities within the union, Annual General Meetings (PIPSC, CS Group), Regional Councils and Stewards Council have given me a platform to speak out [on issues] that sometimes do not go unnoticed. [sic]

I enjoy representing the Group and championing its interests before the Institute’s Advisory Council.
For the last two years I have been an active member of the Shared Service Consultation Team for the National Capital Region. While it isn’t always easy sailing, we must do our utmost to defend members’ interests.

As opposed to the private sector, I am a strong believer in the public sector. I also believe that as public servants, we should always strive to deliver the best possible services.