Thursday October 21, 2021 5:00 pm

Junction 59 Roadhouse, 1615 Regent Ave W.

Winnipeg, MB and Zoom

Meeting Minutes


Present: Pramesh Selliah,  Terri Gobeil, Cory Graham, David Hakes, Kevin Jacobs (Zoom), Mo Khakbazan (Zoom), Jason Caners, Brent Maine, Donna Johnston, Christine Freeman

Regrets: Pamela Kubicz


Call to Order 17:15


  1. Approval of Agenda

Moved by Chris

Seconded by Terri


  1. Approval of Minutes:
    1. Meeting -  September 7, 2021

Moved by Kevin

Seconded by Pramesh



    1. Meeting September 28, 2021

Moved by Mo

Seconded by Pramesh



  1. President’s Report (Cory)

For any in person event proof of vaccination is required.

Unions position on vaccination discussed.

Discussion on staffing at Winnipeg PIPSC Office.


  1. Treasurer’s Report (Jason)

Report on file.

Few expenses YTD

Account balance $X

Received cheque from retired members guild for reimbursement.

Sufficient funds in account for open house and steward appreciation.

Is there interest in steward appreciation in Brandon? Mo indicates for events they usually have 20-35 members attend. It could be accommodated if there was interest in a Brandon steward appreciation. Due to timing it was decided to focus on open house this year.


  1. New Business
    1. Steward & Branch Executive Appreciation event (Dave)

Motion needed for expenditure (Stewards, Executive, Room Fees, Refreshments)

All set.


Motion to host steward and Branch Executive Appreciation event at TransCanada brewing On October 27th and authorize the expenditure of up to $X

Moved by Cory

Seconded by Chris



    1. Branch AGM
      1. Timing, location, virtual or in-person

It was suggest timing be in early- mid March, 2022 for in person AGM, Donna, Chris, and Cory has volunteered to start planning.


  1. Old Business
    1. PIPSC AGM – November 5 & 6, 2021  10:00 to 18:00 ET daily
      1. 2021 – registration reminder
      2. Resolutions on website

102nd Annual General Meeting | The Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada (pipsc.ca)


Observers need to register in a timely manner. Good chance of getting upgraded to delegate.

      1. Elections – reminder to vote
    1. Promotional items
      1. Sweaters (Jason) ongoing
    1. Member engagement 
      1. King’s Head Pub Holiday Event (Donna) December 2nd, 2021.

Discussion on food service. Perhaps a limited menu? Or a set menu, regular, veggie, and GF for example. The intention is not for a meal replacement but snacks.

Limited to one ticket per person.

Members need to provide membership number.


      1. Brandon Holiday Event (Mo)

Mo and Blair exploring options. Looking for larger space for social distancing considerations.

Cory to inquire with Better Together Fund for supplemental funding.


  1. Round Table

Dave- none

Jason- did we hear with respect to PIPSC logo. Logo is chosen

Chris- The number of CRA members want vaccine exemptions is small but vocal.

Terri- new SH president (former president retired), discussion on technology for group executives.

Donna, Retired Members Guild would like to contribute $X for retired members to attend open house.


The WSMB Executive is in favour of extending invitation to Retired Members Guild members at cost recover of $X per retired member in attendance.

Donna mentioned the existence of a disgruntled employee website.

Pramesh- mentioned December WSMB Executive meeting. Last time was at the Viscount. Need larger room for social distancing. Pramesh will look into it.

Brent- National executive typically given a technology allowance.

Jason mentioned need for providing vaccination proof in Concur.

Mo- Have not discussed December meeting yet.

Kevin: Noted confusing email regarding steward appreciation event. Cory mentioned that it would of benefit to be able to view a proof of emails prior to being sent by PIPSC.

Cory has some promotional items that can be distributed.

For open house need notice out be November 8.


  1. Next meeting date/time

Monday November 15th via Zoom.


  1. Adjournment

18:23 Motion to adjourn
