Nathaniel Newlands - RE Group

I am a Research Scientist (Sustainable Ecosystems/Environmental Health) with AAFC/Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, based in the Summerland Research and Development Centre, British Columbia. I have been an RE Group member since 2004. I have served as a RE subgroup President (Lethbridge) and national RE group delegate to many national RE group and PIPSC Annual General Meetings. I became a PIPSC Steward (BC/Yukon Region) in 2017.

I participate actively in the local Union-Management Consultation Committee/UMCC as well as the National AAFC Consultation Committee. Recently, I served as a PIPSC representative on an AAFC national administrative/process burden working group as well as a PIPSC RE promotion process working group. I also acted as a Committee Chair that helped to improve the upcoming PIPSC Science Survey. I regularly attend regional Steward Council meetings to share knowledge and lessons-learned. I have received Canada School of Public Service, Joint Learning Program, and PIPSC training on many subjects, completing PIPSC leadership training this year.

I have demonstrated a firm commitment to further the professional interests of RE members. Over 16 years of working in the federal system, I have developed a broad and in-depth understanding of the many issues and challenges that can affect our members, including: discrimination, bullying and harassment, family accommodation, Phoenix pay issues, professional association fees, work study/sabbatical leave, administrative burden, publishing, and proposal review processes.

As an RE Executive Member, I want to have a stronger voice and role in RE group decision making, providing leadership and guidance on issues and challenges at the forefront; tied with collective bargaining, PIPSC policy-setting, protection of worker rights. I am interested to serve on the RE negotiating committee. I want to ensure the views of members within the BC/Yukon Region are effectively communicated and represented.

Nathaniel Newlands