Report for the 2019 AFS AGM
The following chart summarizes our AFS Group membership levels:
Date |
Members |
Rands |
Total |
Rand % |
December 31, 2018 |
11,570 |
254 |
11,824 |
2.1% |
December 31, 2017 |
11,489 |
210 |
11,699 |
1.8% |
December 31, 2016 |
11,384 |
208 |
11,592 |
1.8% |
December 31, 2015 |
11,061 |
230 |
11,291 |
2.0% |
Bargaining Unit Size
The bargaining unit size was stable in 2018. The number of new members exceeded the number of members leaving CRA. The majority of the members leaving CRA were due to retirement and resignation. New members came from external hiring and internal promotions.
Union Membership
We would like to thank our Subgroup Presidents and local stewards for the excellent work that they continue to do in signing up members. They continue to reduce the number of Rands. In Canadian labour law, the Rand formula (also referred to as automatic check-off) is a workplace situation where the payment of trade union dues is mandatory regardless of the worker's union status. This formula is designed to ensure that no employee will opt out of the union simply to avoid dues yet reap the benefits of collective bargaining, such as higher wages or health insurance. We are also continually identifying and recruiting our “orphans”, these are bargaining unit members who are not identified with a specific subgroup due to missing info. This is important for the subgroup to get proper funding.
Membership Committee
Our membership committee prepares a quarterly analysis of membership and Rands by subgroup which is shared with our AFS National Executive. This allows us to focus on areas where Rands need to be recruited. However, member recruitment takes place at the local level.
Reminders on Signing up Members
New employees, those recently appointed to AFS positions, and former members who have taken unpaid leave and involuntarily become Rands need to be recruited. Subgroup Presidents or Secretaries can obtain current listings of their membership from the PIPSC National Office. The best way to recruit members are in person. The PIPSC membership application form is online at .
Bring strong arguments with you, such as:
- Membership gives you a voice in what your union does, including contract ratification voting.
- Membership gives you additional benefits through PIPSC Service Plus.
Have a couple of examples ready or print the page of Service Plus partners from the PIPSC website.
Respectfully submitted,
Phil Choo
Chair, AFS Membership Subcommittee
Phone: 250-415-7246