2018 AFS AGM - Strategic Bargaining Support



AFS Strategic Bargaining Support Committee

The AFS SBSC identifies visibility and job action ideas and assists with bargaining support activities approved by the AFS Executive. To assist with local rallies, the AFS Regional Representatives have Rally Bags available for request by Subgroups. Our national committee consists of Rob Trudeau (Chair), Shawn Gillis, Brian Hassall, and Mark Muench.  Regular conference calls are held with our Regional Mobilizers who provide feedback and pictures on bargaining support activities and recommendations for future actions.

We would like to recognize the following Regional Mobilizers for their support:


  • Susan Amog (Headquarters)
  • Phil Choo (BC/Yukon)
  • Chris Coghlin (Atlantic)
  • Larry Stroud (Ontario)
  • Michael Hartry (NCR IT)
  • Ronald Pétion (Québec)
  • Mark Tomczak (Prairies/NWT)
  • Frank Wong (Toronto)


Better Together

PIPSC has signed a bargaining cooperation agreement with other major public service unions.  The AFS Group has also signed an agreement with the largest PIPSC groups to cooperate on issues that affect all public servants.  The AFS Group is planning its bargaining support measures in support of this cooperative approach.  Suggestions from AFS members and stewards are always considered by the AFS Executive for implementation through our SBSC.

PIPSC Strategic Bargaining Committee

For this round of bargaining, PIPSC has established a strategic bargaining committee composed of the Group Presidents (Doug Mason for AFS) and Group Mobilizers (Rob Trudeau for AFS). This committee ensures that there is regular communications between the groups and a common understanding of our bargaining strategies.  Conference calls are held and in person meetings take place quarterly and on an ad hoc basis if required.

Local Mobilization

It is essential that local stewards and sub-group executives keep their members informed and engaged by

  • updating home contact information, especially email addresses, for their local members
  • collecting input from members on bargaining priorities and bargaining support suggestions
  • updating members regularly and signing up new members and stewards.

Respectfully Submitted,

Robert Trudeau

PIPSC AFS SBSC Chair / Mobilizer

Saskatoon, SK

306-975-6416(W), 306-249-6522(H), 306-371-4412 (C)

robert.trudeau@cra-arc.gc.ca (W)

rtrudeau@pipsc.ca (W)

robertltrudeau@hotmail.com (W)