The Prairie/NWT Region has engaged Sub-Group Presidents, Stewards and Members. This engagement will be important as we all work towards successful consultations and to negotiate a fair collective agreement in our upcoming round of bargaining.

Some of the highlights from the Prairie/NWT Region over the last year are as follows:

Sub-Group/CS President’s Meeting

The Prairie/NWT Sub-Group/CS President’s meeting was held in June in Quebec City as part of the AFS National Group AGM. A variety of topics were discussed including strategic bargaining, staffing, performance management, post-employment restrictions, challenges facing large and small Sub-Groups and current issues affecting the Prairie/NWT Regional Sub-Groups.

As part of the regional communication strategy, regular scheduled regional conference calls are held to share regional and national information with the Sub-Group/CS Presidents. These regional conference calls also provide a forum for sharing of local information with the AFS Regional Representative and between the Sub-Group/CS Presidents. In addition, regular emails and phone calls are exchanged to ensure information and issues are shared/addressed in a timely manner. Communication is key to not only ensuring members are provided information affecting them, but that member’s concerns and ideas have an avenue to the regional and national levels.

Union Management Consultations

Throughout the year, numerous consultations with management have been held at the national, regional and local levels to address the concerns and issues affecting our Prairie/NWT Members. The ability to have productive consultations with management has been key to not only ensuring our input is taken into consideration, but that we are having an impact on the policies that have an effect on our members.

Sub-Group AGM’s and Lunch and Learns

Over the last year, our National Group President, Doug Mason, and I visited Sub-Group’s throughout the Prairie/NWT Region to present Lunch and Learns on a variety of topics, including Ratification of our Tentative Collective Agreement and the Employee Wellness Support Program, and to attend their Sub-Group AGM’s. These meetings provided us with an opportunity to meet members, to hear their concerns and share pertinent information.

I would like to say a big ‘Thank You’ to the Prairie/NWT Regional Sub-Group/CS Presidents, Stewards and Constituent Body Executives. They are volunteers whose professionalism, innovative ideas, unwavering dedication, tireless efforts and ability to work collaboratively ensure our members are represented to the best of our ability.

On behalf of the members we serve, I would like to say a special thank you to Leslie Robinson, Hilary Forest, and Brent Maine who stepped down as the Edmonton (both Leslie and Hilary) and Winnipeg Sub-Group Presidents respectively. Leslie, Hilary, and Brent’s efforts, knowledge, experience, and leadership will be greatly missed.

In addition, I would like to welcome Denise Hedlund and Chris Tyszkiewicz as our new Sub-Group Presidents in Winnipeg and Edmonton respectively. Denise and Chris bring knowledge and experience that will not only benefit the Winnipeg and Edmonton members, but members across the Prairie/NWT Region.

Finally, on behalf of the Prairie/NWT Regional Sub-Group/CS Presidents and Stewards, I would like to thank the Prairie/NWT Members for their hard work and participation in the various committees, events, meetings and activities. The involvement of our Members in our Union is the key to any successes we achieve. Our Union is only as strong as the strength of the Members it serves.

Respectfully Submitted,

Robert Trudeau

PIPSC AFS Prairie/NWT Regional Representative

Saskatoon, SK

306-975-6416(W), 306-249-6522(H), 306-371-4412 (C) (W) (W) (W)