AFS - Resolution 1(Reimburse Time and Travel for Members Undergoing Institute Misconduct Investigation)


1. Reimburse Time and Travel for Members Undergoing Institute Misconduct Investigation

Whereas members who are investigated by the Institute for alleged misconduct may not be reimbursed for their time and travel in participating and/or complying with any of the Institute’s processes for misconduct investigations,

And whereas this financial burden is both unfair and punitive,

And whereas members also undergo extreme mental stress undergoing the Institute’s processes for alleged misconduct investigations,

And whereas other participants (e.g. witnesses and Institute staff) to any of the Institute’s processes for alleged misconduct investigations are reimbursed for their time and travel,

Therefore, be it resolved, that the AFS Annual General Meeting direct the AFS Executive to sponsor the following resolution (including the preamble) at the 2018 PIPSC Annual General Meeting:

Therefore, be it resolved that the Institute reimburses time and travel costs to the member(s) under investigation for alleged misconduct,

And, further that, the full costing (including salaries of participants and Institute staff as they relate to the Institute’s processes for alleged misconduct investigations, travel, and office rent) be maintained.

Estimated costing: Dependent on number of investigations for alleged misconduct.