The news this week that the Trump administration has imposed communications restrictions on officials working for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and other government departments is a chilling reminder of the Harper government’s muzzling of federal scientists in our own country and the harm done not only to our members but to science, the public interest, and democracy. While the memory of those restrictions remains fresh in the minds of many PIPSC members, it is also encouraging to know that positive safeguards for science and free speech are possible, as our recently negotiated agreements protecting the right of government scientists to speak about their research and science demonstrate.

We therefore stand in solidarity with our colleagues and fellow government scientists in the United States – as many in the international community did for us during the Harper years – by once again declaring science should never be silenced, and by expressing our hope that the current restrictions on U.S. government scientists will soon be lifted and do not signal a lasting change in U.S. policy on science similar to the one we fought so long to overturn in Canada. PIPSC will continue to monitor the situation in the U.S. and look for future opportunities to express our solidarity with our U.S. government research and science colleagues.

Better Together!

Debi Daviau